Vyom http://www.vyomtech.com/ कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते॥ en-us Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.vyomtech.com/2014/03/04/docker_and_linux_containers_lxc_1_0_release.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2014/03/04/docker_and_linux_containers_lxc_1_0_release.html <![CDATA[Docker and Linux Containers (LXC) 1.0 Release]]> Docker and Linux Containers (LXC) 1.0 Release Libvirt The Unsung Hero of Cloud Computing Platforms

After a long gap of over 8 weeks I am writing this article. During this break got time to travel in India, which by the way was wonderful, and after returning started working on dockers and linux containers. During past weeks I spend some time experimenting with dockers and LXC and my first impressions were, why we need to re-invent the wheels when bare-metal computing can be scaled based on application demands, using modern fabric based computing advances like AMD seamicro and HP moonshot combined with tools like Cobbler, Ansible, Puppet, Chef, CFEngine etc. But after experimenting bit longer understood the real value of docker and LXC in making it easier to build self sufficient portable application enviroments which fits very well for certain use cases.

In this article I will be talking more about LXC 1.0 Release and its impact on docker. For the readers unfamiliar with Dockers and LXC I have included a short summary in the article, for details please check the links below:

What’s LXC?

LXC is a userspace interface for the Linux kernel containment features. Through a powerful API and simple tools, it lets Linux users easily create and manage system or application containers. LXC is something in the middle between chroot on stereoids and a full fledged virtual machine. LXC create an environment as close as possible to standard linux installation without the need for a separate kernel.


LXC uses the following linux kernel features:

  • Kernel namespaces (ipc, uts, mount, pid, network and user)
  • Apparmor and SELinux profiles
  • Seccomp policies
  • Chroots (using pivot_root)
  • Kernel capabilities
  • Control groups (cgroups)


LXC consists of following components at present:

  • The liblxc library
  • Language bindings (Python 3, Lua, Ruby and Go at present)
  • A set of standard tools to control the containers
  • Container templates


LXC is free software, most of the code is released under the terms of the GNU LGPLv2.1+ license, some Android compatibility bits are released under a standard 2-clause BSD license and some binaries and templates are shipped under the GNU GPLv2 license.

What is Docker?

The idea behind docker is to create a lightweight portable self sufficient application container that will run virtually anywhere. Docker is an open source engine that automates the deployment of any application as lightweight portable self sufficient container that will run virtually anywhere on developer laptops, on virtual machines, bare-metal servers, OpenStack clusters, CloudStack clusters, public instances, or combination of the above.

Docker containers can encapsulate any payload, and will run consistently on and between virtually any server. Common use cases for Docker include:

  • Automating the packaging and deployment of applications
  • Creation of lightweight, private PAAS environments
  • Automated testing and continuous integration/deployment
  • Deploying and scaling web apps, databases and backend services

Docker is developed using Go language and relies on LXC (Linux Containers). There is a roadmap to extend it to other container technology like Solaris, BSD Zones and Windows by implementing various containers technology as drivers. But for the near future docker only works on Linux.

LXC Release 1.0

On 20 th February 2014 LXC 1.0 version was released and set a significant milestone for Linux Containers and considered as production ready. This release features wide variety of improvenments to container security, a consistent set of tools, updated documentation and an API with multiple language bindings.

New Features

LXC 1.0 represent hard work of 144 contributors with 2,601 commits representing 42,241 lines of code with first commit in August, 2008 (according to ohloh [1]). LXC 1.0 release includes a major rework of the way LXC is structured. Following are some of the highlights of the new features of this release:

  • Support for fully unprivileged containers
  • Public stable API (liblxc1)
  • Official API bindings for lua and python3 (in tree)
  • Official API bindings for Go and ruby (out of tree)
  • Flexible backingstore system with support for:
    • standard directories (default)
    • btrfs
    • zfs
    • lvm
    • loop devices
    • aufs
    • overlayfs
  • Support for cloning and snapshotting containers
  • A reduced but more complete set of command line tools
  • Updated, more complete documentation
  • A new way of creating containers based on centrally generated images
  • Templates letting you create containers running most popular distributions

You can read more details about each feature in blog posts [2] by Stéphane Graber, who is one of the current maintainer of LXC project.

LXC 1.0 and Dockers

Current version of docker is 0.8 and due to heavy pace of development, it is still advised not be used in production (yet). Although some companies are already using docker in production and offering services based on it. Since docker stands on the giant shoulders of LXC, production release 1.0 of LXC might result in following changes in dockers.

  • Its most likely docker will incorporate all the changes from upstream LXC 1.0 in coming months andbe production ready. Docker version 1.0 is just round the corner.
  • Better security for docker containers - Support for fully unprivileged containers will help docker to offer better isolation of running containers and secure resource access from running containers to the host and other containers.
  • API bindings for GO will help Docker to implement LXC driver code using the API, instead of using userspace command line tools provided by LXC (currently Docker uses tools like lxc-start, lxc-attach instead fo relying on API’s provided by LXC).
  • Flexible backingstore systems support will help docker in supporting btrfs, zfs, lvm by leveraging LXC code directly instead of separate implementation. In docker 0.8 btrfs support is experimental and zfs support is in development, with LXC 1.0 docker will be able to support btrfs and zfs in next release.
  • Reduction of command set will help reduce complexity of docker.
  • Centrally generated images will help implementing better docker registry and index.

All of the above are just my personal views on the evolution of docker based on LXC 1.0 and does not represent the views and roadmap of docker or LXC projects. If you need more details on future development of docker please check the projects blog post Getting to Docker 1.0 [3]. I wrote this just out of my personal interest in docker and LXC.


[1]Linux Containers
[2]LXC 1.0: Blog post series
[3]Getting to Docker 1.0
Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/12/17/libvirt_the_unsung_hero_of_cloud_computing.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/12/17/libvirt_the_unsung_hero_of_cloud_computing.html <![CDATA[Libvirt - The Unsung Hero of Cloud Computing]]>

Libvirt - The Unsung Hero of Cloud Computing

Libvirt The Unsung Hero of Cloud Computing Platforms

Initially my intention was to write an article on Round up of open source Cloud Management Platforms (CMP), but while doing research found one piece of software library so fundamental, that it holds the key to very existence of Cloud Computing services and platforms as we know it today (that includes Amazon AWS, OpenStack and CloudStack). So I decided to postpone my idea and started to write an article on this Unsung hero of Cloud Computing called libvirt [1], which I believe many people won’t have heard of. Obviously talking about software library tend to be technical, so this article will have a technical tone, but I will attempt to make it readable for everyone interested in Cloud Computing.

Libvirt is an open source API, daemon and management tool for managing platform virtualzation and these APIs are widely used in the orchestration layer of Cloud Management Platform. Libvirt makes it possible to control and manage millions of compute nodes, storage and network devices via common programmable interface. Its like being able to control and orchestrate fleet of millions of car irrespective of different manufacturer, model, or engine through a common interface from a single car (it can be more then one car for redundancy and high availability). What started as a management API for Xen, today has been extended to support major components of Cloud Computing platforms.

Libvirt Goals & Architecture

Libvirt defines following terms for its goals [2]:

Mapping of libvirt terms to virtualized or containerized physical machine
  • Node is a single physical machine.
  • Hypervisor is a layer of softeare allowing to virtualize a node in a set of physical machines with possible different configurations that the node itself.
  • Domain is an instance of an operating system (or subsystem in case of container virtualization like OpenVZ and lxc) running on a virtualized machine provided by the hypervisor.

Based on above terms “The goal of libvirt is to provide a common and stable layer sufficient to securely manage domains on a node, possibly remote”. So libvirt should provide all APIs needed to do the management, such as: provision, create, modify, monitor, control, migrate and stop the domains - within the limits of the support of the hypervisor for those operations. This implies following sub-goals:

  • All API can be carried remotely though secure APIs
  • While most API will be generic in term of hypervisor or Host OS, some API may be targeted to a single virtualization environment as long as the semantic for the operations from a domain management perspective is clear
  • the API should allow to do efficiently and cleanly all the operations needed to manage domains on a node, including resource provisioning and setup
  • the API will not try to provide high level virtualization policies or multi-nodes management features like load balancing, but the API should be sufficient so they can be implemented on top of libvirt
  • stability of the API is a big concern, libvirt should isolate applications from the frequent changes expected at the lower level of the virtualization framework
  • the node being managed may be on a different physical machine than the management program using libvirt, to this effect libvirt supports remote access, but should only do so by using secure protocols.
  • libvirt will provide APIs to enumerate, monitor and use the resources available on the managed node, including CPUs, memory, storage, networking, and NUMA partitions.

So libvirt is intended to be a building block for higher level management tools and for applications focusing on virtualization of a single node (the only exception being domain migration between node capabilities which involves more than one node).

Libvirt Driver Based Architecture

libvirt driver based architecture

Libvirt to support wide variety of hypervisor implements a driver-based architecture. Based on car analogy, it means delegating the actual implementation of control of different cars to the drivers specifically designed for make, model and engine of the specific car. Libvirt currently supports:


  • LXC - Linux Containers
  • OpenVZ
  • QEMU
  • Test - Used for testing
  • UML - User Mode Linux
  • VirtualBox
  • VMware ESX
  • VMware Workstation/Player
  • Xen
  • Microsoft Hyper-V
  • IBM PowerVM (phyp)
  • Parallels
  • Remote - Accessing libvirt on remote node through libvirtd (libvirt daemon)


  • Directory backend
  • Local filesystem backend
  • Network filesystem backend
  • Logical Volume Manager (LVM) backend
  • Disk backend
  • iSCSI backend
  • SCSI backend
  • Multipath backend
  • RBD (RADOS Block Device) backend
  • Sheepdog backend

Virtual Networks

  • Bridging
  • NAT
  • VEPA (Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator)

Libvirt API structure [3]

libvirt API structure

The figure above shows the five main objects exported by the API:

Represents the connection to a hypervisor. Use one of the virConnectOpen functions to obtain connection to the hypervisor which is then used as a parameter to other connection API’s.
Represents one domain either active or defined (i.e. existing as permanent config file and storage but not currently running on that node). The function virConnectListAllDomains lists all the domains for the hypervisor.
Represents one network either active or defined (i.e. existing as permanent config file and storage but not currently activated). The function virConnectListAllNetworks lists all the virtualization networks for the hypervisor.
Represents one storage volume generally used as a block device available to one of the domains. The function virStorageVolLookupByPath finds the storage volume object based on its path on the node.
Represents a storage pool, which is a logical area used to allocate and store storage volumes. The function virConnectListAllStoragePools lists all of the virtualization storage pools on the hypervisor. The function virStoragePoolLookupByVolume finds the storage pool containing a given storage volume.

These names follow C conventions, but developers of cloud computing platforms and applications do not need to use C directly, there are language bindings available for major languages. Currently libvirt API language bindings [4] are available for C#, Java, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby.

Domain Management Architecture

There are two distinct means for domain management using libvirt API.

1. Single node domain management

libvirt API structure

As illustrated in the figure above in this mode applications (cloud management platform i.e. CMP applications) and domains exist on the same node. In this scenario applications directly works through the libvirt api on the host operating system (os) to control and manage the local domains.

2. Multi node domain management

libvirt API structure

As shown in the figure above, applications (CMP applications) using libvirt API and the domains to manage or control are on separate nodes. In this mode a special domain called libvirtd (libvirt daemon) needs to run on remote nodes. The management application nodes use the nodes underlying network communicattion to communicate with remote libvirtd through the local libvirt using custom protocol. Actually libvirt uses Remote [6] driver for communicating with remote node and remote API calls are handled synchronously. Remote driver for libvirt supports a range of transports like:

TLS 1.0 (SSL 3.1) authenticated and encrypted TCP/IP socket, usually listening on a public port number. To use this you will need to generate client and server certificates. The standard port is 16514. This is the default transport, if no other is specified.
nix domain socket. Since this is only accessible on the local machine, it is not encrypted, and uses Unix permissions or SELinux for authentication. The standard socket names are /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock and /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock-ro (the latter for read-only connections).
Transported over an ordinary ssh (secure shell) connection. Requires Netcat (nc) installed and libvirtd should be running on the remote machine. You should use some sort of ssh key management (eg. ssh-agent) otherwise programs which use this transport will stop to ask for a password.
Any external program which can make a connection to the remote machine by means outside the scope of libvirt.
nencrypted TCP/IP socket. Not recommended for production use, this is normally disabled, but an administrator can enable it for testing or use over a trusted network. The standard port is 16509.
Transport over the SSH protocol using libssh2 instead of the OpenSSH binary. This transport uses the libvirt authentication callback for all ssh authentication calls and therefore supports keyboard-interactive authentication even with graphical management applications. As with the classic ssh transport netcat is required on the remote side.

Libvirt Project [5]

According to statistics on ohloh libvirt in a nutshell:

  • 15,188 commits made by 331 contributors representing 481,506 lines of code
  • Mostly written in C
Libvirt project
C 74%
C++ 9%
XML 6%
14 Other 11%
  • Established, mature codebase maintained by a very large development team with increasing year on year commits.
  • Estimated 128 years of efforts (COCOMO model)


Libvirt is one very important library on whose giant shoulders cloud computing services and platforms like Amazon AWS, Google Compute Engine, OpenStack, CloudStack, Eucalyptus and numberous others are standing. Also this API enables developers and companies to build new and innovative cloud computing services or platforms and build awesome applications or services on top of it. Libvirt started in 2005 and with growing popularity of cloud computing, this project will continue to grow. But in most of the conferences, talks and papers related to Cloud Computing I did not find much coverage of libvirt, so while researching Cloud Management platform thought of writing and article on it. Kudos to all the libvirt code contributors for building a beautiful abstraction layer and making life easier for cloud computing services and platform developers. In spite of not getting as much press and coverage as mainstream cloud computing platforms like OpenStack, CloudStack or Eucalyptus the growth of the project, community and code commits are heartening.


[2]libvirt - Terminology and goals
[3]libvirt - API concepts
[4]libvirt - Bindings for other languages
[5]libvirt project statistics on ohloh
[6]libvirt - Remote Support
Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/12/05/shanghai_free_trade_zone_latest_updates.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/12/05/shanghai_free_trade_zone_latest_updates.html <![CDATA[Shanghai Free Trade Zone Latest Updates]]>

Shanghai Free Trade Zone Latest Updates

Shanghai FTZ Latest Updates

Its been two months since the establishment of Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) and over a month since I wrote my last article Shanghai FTZ Updates - Summary of Administrative Measures. In Shanghai FTZ so far there are total 1400 Chinese Domestic companies and 38 Foreign companies according to ChinaDaily [1]. Foreign investors are cautiously optimistic about Shanghai FTZ and waiting for policy clarification and advatanges compared to existing special economic zone (SEZ). In this article will summarize the updates known about Shanghai FTZ so far.

December 4 th 2013 - Liberalized Financial Measures

According to the head of People’s Bank of China (PBOC) [3], central banking regulator in China, Shanghai will implement liberalized financial measures in Free Trade Zone in a year and will support openness. PBOC outlined a set of 30 measures for Shanghai FTZ covering:

  • Cross-border investment and transactions.
  • Expanding yuan cross-border usage.
  • Promoting interest rate liberalization.
  • Simplyfying foreign exchange management.
  • Allow free fund transfer between free trade zone and offshore bank accounts.
  • Qualified foreigners working in Shanghai FTZ to trade domestic equities.
  • Enable qualified residents in the Shanghai FTZ to invest in the foreign securities market.
  • Allow foreign companies with branches in SHanghai FTZ to issue yuan bonds onshore.

November 18 th 2013 - Procedures and Future Plan for Shanghai FTZ

During November various departments and government authorities in China unveiled their respective plans for Shanghai FTZ. Below are some of the highlights of those plans:

Procedures on Administration of Filing Foreign-funded Enterprises in Shanghai FTZ [5]

This document contains all the details for establishment of foreign-funded enterprises in Shanghai FTZ and outlines the relevant regulations applicable. If you want to open a foreign enterprise in Shanghai FTZ, you should read this document.

Procedures on Filing Administration of Foreign Investment Projects in Shanghai FTZ [6]

This document outlines the administrative procedurs and details for Foreign Funded Investment projects in Shanghai FTZ. If you are a company and would like to invest in Shanghai FTZ for your business needs, you should read this document. The scope of projects under filing administration within the Pilot FTZ includes: all kinds of foreign investment projects including all Chinese-foreign funded joint ventures, Chinese-foreign cooperative ventures, wholly foreign-funded ventures, foreign-funded partnership ventures, foreign investors’ acquisition and merger of domestic enterprises, and foreign-funded enterprises’ capital increase, which are not stated in the Special Administrative Measures for Foreign Investment Access Within the Pilot FTZ (the Negative List) (with the exception of foreign investor’s domestic investment projects of which the approval is retained as required by the State Council).

Filing Administration of Investment in Businesses Overseas [7]

In order to open up further and reform the administration of overseas investment this document provide the details of the procedures and relevant regulations for Chinese enterprises to invest overseas. This document is targeted towards Chinese Domestic enterprise setup in Shanghai FTZ and wants to invest overseas (i.e. internationally).

Filing Administration of Overseas Investment Projects [8]

The procedures and regulations in this document are tergeted towards helping the management of overseas investment, especially improving the facilitation of overseas investment by Chinese Domestic enterprises. This document is relevant for Domestic Chinese Enteprises in Shanghai FTZ, who wants to do investment in international market like land acqusition, manufacturing plant, mergers and acquisitions etc.

Circular of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Issues Concerning Banking Supervision in Shanghai FTZ [9]

This document is more targeted towards financial industry and provide details on issues concering the banking supervision in Shanghai FTZ.

Polices and Measures on Capital Market for Supporting and Promoting Shanghai FTZ [10]

Following are the highlights of the Capital Markets for supporting and promoting Shanghai FTZ (this is also covered in the above article)

  • Establishment of Bulk Commodity Trading Platform
  • Trading Platform for Bill of Exchange
  • Allow qualified individuals and entities to make investments in foreign and domestic securities and futures markets.
  • Foreign parents of enterprises in FTZ may issue RMB bonds in domestic markets.
  • Allow specialized subsidiaries like for risk management, assets management in FTZ.
  • Allow securities and futures institutions to carry out over-the-counter (OTC) transaction on commodities and financial derivatives for China domestic clients.

Opinions by China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) to Support Shanghai FTZ [11]

This is targeted towards strengthening the role of insurance functions in Shanghai FTZ. According to it CIRC will support the following:

  • Establishment of foreign-invested specialized health insurance institutions in FTZ.
  • Establishment of FTZ branches by insurance companies, development of cross-border RMB-denominated reinsurance business in the FTZ, and research on catastrophe insurance system by the CIRC Shanghai Bureau.
  • Outbound investment pilot by FTZ insurance institutions, and research for expanding the scope of permitted outbound investments and relaxing the relevant outbound investment restrictions for FTZ insurance institutions.
  • Allow to carry out business in the FTZ by world-known specialized insurance intermediaries as well as social organizations or individuals engaged in reinsurance business to provide support for the development of insurance industry;
  • Development of shipping insurance business in Shanghai.
  • Innovation in insurance products by insurance companies, and continuous expansion of the service scope of liability insurance business.
  • Improvement of the insurance market system in Shanghai, and promoting the establishment of functional insurance institutions like shipping insurance pricing center, reinsurance center, insurance fund management center.

November 13 th 2013 - Foreign Owned Foreign Medical Institutions in Shanghai FTZ

Shanghai Government released a circular on 13 th November 2013 Provisional Measures on Administration of Wholly Owned Foreign Medical Institution in Shanghai Free Trade Zone, China (沪府办发〔2013〕63号) [2]. Some of the basic provisions in the circular are:


  • Establishment should be done by independent legal persons who are engaged in investment and management of medical institutions for more than five years (its not necessary to be in China).
  • Able to provide advanced medical services.
  • Able to provide advanced medical technologies and equipments.
  • Able to help improve the local medical services in terms of capacity, technology, funds and facilities.
  • Investment shall be no less than RMB 20 million.
  • Its operations will not exceed 20 years (can be renewed)

Application Procedure

Foreign investors can apply to set up wholly owned foreign medical institution entity in Shanghai FTZ to Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC) in the zone. In the application they need to include the following:

  • Application form for the medical institution entity.
  • Detailed project proposal with feasibility study.
  • Registration certificate of foreign investors
  • Identification certificate of legal representative.
  • Bank credit certificate.
  • Project site selection report.
  • Project land use and lease certificate.
  • Project construction plan.
  • Certificate to prove foreign investors have engaged in investment and management of medical institution for more than five years.
  • Articles of Association of the legal entity for the medical insitution.
  • List of board of directors of the legal entity.
  • Pre-approval notice of the medical institutions name.
  • Application materials for the establishment of the enterprise.
  • Other materials as required by laws and regulations.

The authorities will decide in 40 days and issue approval certificate for medical institution to qualified applicants.

October 15 th 2013 - Import Tax Policies for Shanghai FTZ

China’s ministry of Finance, The General Administration of Customs, and the State Administration of Taxation jointly release the Circular on Relevant Import Tax Policies for Shanghai Free Trade Zone [4]. Following are some of the highlights of the measures:

  • Domestic leasing companies in Shanghai FTZ and their subsudiary are entitled to 5% import value-added tax (VAT) rate for purchase of overseas aircraft after approval from relevant administrative departments. The inert weight of such aircraft should be more than 25 tons and are to be leased to domestic airlines.
  • Goods produced and processed by company established in Shanghai FTZ and sold to the domestic market via the gate between Shanghai FTZ and other areas are still subject to import VAT and consumption tax. Also at the request of the enterprise, a pilot tariff policies will be implemented for goods sold to domestic market based on their corresponding imported materials or actual declaration status.
  • The import of machines, equipment and other goods by manufacturing companies and manufacturing service companies in Shanghai FTZ are entitled to tax exemption.
  • Establishment of bonded display trading platform is allowd in Shanghai FTZ.
  • This circulars provisions are not applicable for goods imported by consumer service companies and for other goods that are not entitled for tax exemptions as per laws, administrative regulations and relevant rules.

However its not yet clear what will be the tax benefits of establishing an enterprise in Shanghai FTZ. Based on the information available there are no special tax incentive for companies in Shanghai FTZ.


So far this are the details available on Shanghai FTZ. If there are somethings missed or need to be updated please let me know, will update it accordingly. Hopefully this is useful for people looking for consolidated information on Shanghai FTZ so far.


[1]Domestic companies outnumber offshore firms in FTZ so far
[2]Provisional Measures on Administration of Wholly Foreign Owned Medical Institution in Shanghai Free Trade Zone, China (沪府办发〔2013〕63号)
[3]Shanghai FTZ to introduce liberalized financial measures
[4]Circular on Relevant Import Tax Policies for Shanghai Free Trade Zone (关于中国(上海)自由贸易试验区有关进口税收政策的通知)
[5]Procedures on the Administration of Filing Foreign-funded Enterprises Within the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone
[6]Procedures on the Filing Administration of Foreign Investment Projects Within the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
[7]Procedures of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone on Filing Administration of Investment in Businesses Overseas
[8]Procedures of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone on the Filing Administration of Overseas Investment Projects
[9]Circular of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Issues Concerning Banking Supervision in China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone
[10]Polices and Measures on Capital Market for Supporting and Promoting China (Shanghai) Pilot Free
[11]Opinions by China Insurance Regulatory Commission to Support China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
Thu, 05 Dec 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/11/30/cloud_computing_in_china.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/11/30/cloud_computing_in_china.html <![CDATA[Cloud Computing in China]]>

Cloud Computing in China

Cloud Computing Market 2012 - RMB 3.5 billion

  • SaaS - RMB 2800 million
  • IaaS - RMB 573 million
  • PaaS - RMB 184 million

As part of series of article covering my talk in BarCamp and susequently in OpenStack Summit, I covered What is Cloud Computing in my earlier article, in this article I will cover up the remaining topics:

  • What is cloud computing officially in China?
  • Current state and market analysis of cloud computing in China
  • Regulatory framework for cloud computing in China
  • Factors affecting cloud computing in China
  • Future of cloud computing in China

China home to over 500 million internet users with over 242 million eCommerce users (according to CNNIC [1]) and with online shopping transactions volume expected to reach 1.85 trillion yuan (US$ 302 billion) in 2013; it is natural to expect that Cloud Computing in China will follow similar growth given the economy of scale, flexibility and cost advantage it offers. But like anomalies in other industries, Cloud Computing is a nascent industry in China with a very limited market share and appeal to enterprises. Also due to current prevailing regulations in China, it becomes much harder to transform and bring innovation, as the new regulations inline with technological progress are still under discussion. In China Cloud Computing is adopted by few internet companies for internal use, as it is virtually impossible for foreign companies to offer Cloud Computing Services, unless new regulatory revisions are made. Even for local technology companies and startups it is virtually impossible to built innovative Cloud Computing services, given the necessity of approvals and licenses required. These regulatory and licensing challenges combined with business challenges makes it cost prohibitive and expensive to operate Cloud Computing Services; taking away the flexibility, economy of scale and cost advantages; the basic tenets of Cloud Computing.

In spite of all these challenges, there is light at the end of the tunnel and in 2012 the total cloud computing services market was approximately 3.5 billion yuan (US$ 573 million) and expected to increase by 30% this year. This figure needs to be taken with a grain of salt as there are multiple interpretations of Cloud Computing in China.

Cloud Computing definition covered in my previous article What is Cloud Computing is generally accepted definition and covers all aspects of Cloud Computing. In China there are multiple version of Cloud Computing definitions.

Cloud Computing Definition in China

There is no generally accepted definition in China and among multile version the most prominent version according to The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) [2] is:

Cloud computing is a method for achieving large-scale computing information processing, which unifies, organizes, and flexibly draws upon various Information and Communication Technology (ICT) information resources through the Internet. Cloud computing utilizes distributed computing and virtual resource management technologies, among others. Using the Internet, it takes spread-out ICT resources (including computing, storage, application platforms, and software, among others) and brings them together to form a shared resource pool. Furthermore, it uses dynamic, on-demand, and scalable methods to provide services to users. Users can use various types of terminals (such as personal computers (PCs), tablet computers, smart phones, even smart televisions, among others) to access ICT resource services through the Internet.

Cloud Computing in China

If you read through the definition, it mostly matches the generally accepted definition except “on-demand self service”. This part is left out due to requirement of ICP (Internet Content Provider) license in China. Since ICP license is linked to computing resources like domain name, IP addresses (external accessible through internet); it makes it challenging if not impossible to provide elasticity, auto-scaling, movement of computing resources based on application and user demands (since it needs some human interaction and not an automated process).

This is not the only definition in China and there are some other definitions as well. Some of them are same as NIST like this one from Advisory Committee for State Informatization - ACSI (国家信息化专家咨询委员会) which defines: “Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.”, in one of their presentation.

ICP License [13]

ICP license application process and approval is manual multi-step process involving regulatory authorities and is described briefly here. This license is required by both local foreign enterprises in China for Internet based application and services.

ICP application, review and approval process in China
  • You need to create an account at Ministry of Industry & Information Technology by entering your e-mail address and cell phone number .
  • After the approval by the MII, you will receive a confirmation code on your cell phone and e-mail account.
  • After receiving the code you have to login into the MII website, enter the code, and access your account.
  • After login into the MII Web site need to fill an on-line form with name, mobile phone number, home phone number, home address, domain name, host provider, company name, and description of website.

Usually this process can take from 20 days to 90 days and if you change the cloud provider you need to go throught the process again for approval.

China Cloud Computing Market Analysis

In China like other countries its difficult to find reliable market report for Cloud Computing Services. Also given the way its defined many reports add server virtualization market into Cloud Computing (which inflates the figure and give a wrong impression of the Cloud Computing Market in China). Still based on some estimates following are some of the findings for the China’s Cloud Computing market.

China Cloud Computing Market Size 2012

In 2012 the market size for Cloud Computing in China is approximately 3.5 billion yuan (US$ 573 million) which compose of:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) - 2800 million yuan (US$ 459)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - 511 million yuan (US$ 83.77 million)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) - 184 million yuan (US$ 30.16 million)

Among all the cloud providers SaaS only covers 16% and remaining 84% are primarily IaaS providers with few PaaS providers. This means majority of the revenue for Cloud Computing comes from SaaS providers, which is inline with the market reality, since majority of the revenue is generated by companies like Alibaba with its marketplace (Tmall and Taobao), Tencent with its Weixin (WeChat) platform and Sina with its Weibo platform. Some might question that Taobao, Tencent and Sina generate much larger revenue, but if they look closely at revenue the portion of revenue from pure SaaS service is very small and majority comes from other means like advertising, payment and games.

China IDC Market 2012 and Future Trends

Since Cloud Computing depends on the underlying data center, the above figure shows market size and trends for internet data center in China. Since Internet Data Center license is prohibited for local and foreign enterprises since 2008 in China. the growth has been slow. Please take above figures for reference only, like Cloud Computing, I cannot verify the validity of figures from reliable data sources. It seems most of this figures are derived based on a limited survey.

There are few counts and reports available from Netcraft, but I did not include it in this article since they do not accurately depict the market and tend to skew towards large telecom and internet companies in China, which does not reflect the normal Cloud Computing market.

Regulatory Framework and factors affecting Cloud Computing in China

After detailed analysis of China Cloud Computing market, the factors inhibiting its growth can be summarized with one word Regulations. In China there is no specific regulation or license which directly address Cloud Computing in China. Since Cloud Computing uses Internet network to access services, it is regulated based on the China Telecommmunication Regulations [3] and ususally classified as Value Added Telecommunication Services (VATS). So it creates a high regulatory barrier to entry even for local innovative companies and startups (since for foreign companies if not prohibited mostly limited to non-controlling stakes). So in my view in China Cloud Computing is not hampered by technology related issues, but more due to regulatory issues. During my discussion and talks within local technology companies and startups I find many are technically at par with leading cloud computing companies globally but cannot execute it locally due to high barrier to entry set by current regulatory framework.

Following are some of the key regulatory framework covering Cloud Computing in China:

  • Cloud Computing is governed by Circular of the Ministry of Information Industry on the Readjustment of the Classification Catalogue of Telecommunication Services (信息产业部关于重新调整-电信业务分类目录-的通告) - 2003 Classification Catalogue [4] and usually classified as VATS.
  • Cloud Computing Service providers which needs to provision Internet Data Center (IDC) services or built an IDC to deliver Cloud Computing Services needs an IDC Service license. IDC license are currently not granted to either local or foreign enterprises since 2008. Recently IDC license are accepted from local enterprises in 2013. Also foreign enterprises in China cannot get IDC license and normally use Variable Interest Entity (VIE) structure or partnership with local firms.
  • The services which do not fall within 2003 Classification Catalogue will only need to file and record case with the provincial counterparts of the MIIT before commercially operating the services. But in practice at present, no specific procedures are in place to fulfill such record-filing requirements and information about successful cases of record-filing are not available publicly.
  • Foreign company must establish a Foreign Invested Telecommunication Enterprise (FITE) in China to provide Cloud Computing Services to local companies and consumers. They need to follow:
    • Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (外商投资产业指导目录) [5]
    • Telecommunication Regulations, the Provisions on Administration of Foreign-Invested Telecommunications Enterprises (外商投资电信企业管理规定) [6]
    • Portion of foreign investment in Basic Telecom Service (BTS) (applicable if providing IDC services) should not exceed 49%. This means FITE needs to form a joint venture with local Chinese entity having the majority controlling stake.
    • Portion of foreign investment in VATS type FITE should not exceed 50%, which means a joint venture with equal stack for FITE and local Chinese entity.

In most cases foreign enterprise will most likely provide Cloud Computing services under VATS, the followin additional requirements needs to be considered (these are same for local Chinese entity applying for VATS license):

  • The proportion of capital invested by the foreign company shall not exceed a total of 50%.
  • The registered capital should be either RMB 10 million or more for nationwide service in China.
  • The foreign investor shall have a record of good performance and operating experience in managing value-added telecommunications business.
  • FITE employs minimum of 10 employees at the time of application.

Obviously these regulationa creates a big barrier for most of the startups or small companies to enter Cloud Computing Services market and make it extremely hard for large enterprises to enter. Moreover based on information available only 28 FITE’s managed to get a license since 2003 in China. So based on this information majority of the Chinese small and medium sized Cloud Computing Service providers and most of the foreign Cloud Computing Services Providers operate under grey zone or without license in the hope regulations will evolve.

Future of Cloud Computing in China

China recognize the importance of Cloud Computing for Information Technology and identified it as key strategic industry for technological progress of China. According to some industry analysts China’s Cloud Computing industry value chain will be between 750 billion yuan to 1 trillion yuan (US$ 123 billion to US$ 164 billion). China’s central state council and various ministries provided support for development and investment in Cloud Computing technology through following major planning documents:

  1. China’s National Medium and Long-Term Plan for Science and Technology Development [7]
  2. China’s 12 th Five Year Plan (FYP) for Economic and Social Development [8]
  3. Ministry of Science and Technology 12 th FYP [9]
  4. Software and Information Technology Service Industry Development Plan for the 12 th FYP (软件和信息技术服务业“十二五”发展规划) [10]
  5. Support Project for Next-Generation Information Technology Application Security (新一代信息技术应用安全支撑工程) [11]

Besides government planning document and investment, China is also working on revising regulatory framework to make it inline with market needs and create an environment necessary for proliferation of Cloud Computing technology and services.

  • Amendments to 2003 Classification Catalogue
    MIIT circulated an updated version 2013 Draft Classification Catalogue to solicit public comments on 25 th May 2013. This new catalogue did not add Cloud Computing Service category, but introduced a new category named Internet Resources Collaboration Services which refers to the use of equipment and resources constructed on data centers, and through the internet or other networks, to provide customers with services, including, data storage, development environment for internet applications, deployment of internet applications and operation management to users by way of easily accessible, use on-demand, easily expanded and/or collaborative sharing which covers the Cloud Computing Services.
  • Above amendment will enable foreign entities to offer Cloud Computing Services in China.
  • MIIT lifted ban on IDC by a notice [12] on 30 th November 2012 and recently granted license to Huawei and Alibaba.

Also due to inherent requirements for serving over 500 million internet users in China, most of the internet companies, enterprises and startups are embracing and developing cloud computing technology for internal use.


In essence Cloud Computing Services in China despite all the hurdles is poised to take off in a big way. Since it is fundamental for serving millions of Internet users cost effectively and flexibly. Also since the regulatory framework is evolving I expect more Cloud Computing service providers in market with innovative and mature compute, storage and network related Cloud Computing services at attractive prices. Also more foreign players will be available in China, like Microsoft is doing a beta test with its Azure services in China. In this article I intentionally left the current Cloud Computing Service providers in China since many of them are still operating in grey zone or enjoying a monopoly due to regulations and not due to innovation in technology or Cloud Computing service offerings. Moreover I only have first hand experience of using Cloud Computing Services from two large players which is not representative of the overall market. So I will do bit more research and work with local Cloud Computing providers and cover them in next article. If you are a Cloud Computing Service provider in China and would like to be included in my next article, please send me mail with the details of your Cloud Computing Services. Hopefully information in this article is useful for some people, and if you notice some issues please notify me for corrections.


[1]The 31st Survey Report
[2]The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s Cloud Computing White Paper 2012 (云计算白皮书)
[3]China Telecommunications Regulations (中华人民共和国电信条例)
[4]2003 Telecommunication Services Catalogue - 信息产业部关于重新调整《电信业务分类目录》的通告
[5]Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (外商投资产业指导目录)
[6]Telecommunication Regulations, the Provisions on Administration of Foreign-Invested Telecommunications Enterprises (外商投资电信企业管理规定)
[7]China’s National Medium and Long-Term Plan for Science and Technology Development 2006-2020 (国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要)
[8]China’s 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) for Economic and Social Development
[9]Ministry of Science and Technology 12th FYP (新一代信息技术)
[10]Software and Information Technology Service Industry Development Plan for the 12th FYP
[11]Next-Generation Information Technology Application Security
[12]Regulating the Market Access of Internet Data Center Service and Internet Access Service (工信部关于进一步规范因特网数据中心业务和因特网接入服务业务市场准入工作的通告)
[13]ICP License Process (in Chinese)
Sat, 30 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/11/23/why_gartner_analyst_is_wrong_about_cloud_and_openstack.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/11/23/why_gartner_analyst_is_wrong_about_cloud_and_openstack.html <![CDATA[Why Gartner Analyst is wrong about Cloud Computing and OpenStack]]> Why Gartner Analyst is wrong about Cloud Computing and OpenStack

Its been over two weeks since my last article, I have been busy with work and family. Yesterday I read an article Why vendors can’t sell OpenStack to enterprises, while I agree with some of the observations, the overall article seems biased and do not reflect the real cloud computing and how OpenStack is trying to address those challenges for enterprises. Nowhere in the article they mentioned CloudStack, oVirt, Eucalyptus, OpenNebula or any other major cloud computing platform.

Why Gartner Analyst is wrong about cloud computing and OpenStack

On the contrary article make a reference to VMware vCloud Suite, BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management, Cisco Automated Suite for Clouds, Microsoft System Center, IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator, HP Cloud Service Automation, CA Automated Suite for Cloud, most of which are not really true cloud management and orchestration platform in real sense, but are more a combination of Data Center Management and Server Virtualization Management (i.e. Virtual Machine Life Cycle Management). If any enterprise needs to built a private cloud computing platform using these tools, they will need to invest significant amount of technical resources (both devops and programming) compared to building it on OpenStack, CloudStack and its other open source siblings. Indeed what most enterprises call Private Cloud is in essense a Server Virtualization Platform either with or without Data Center Management Platform which helps them to manage virtual machine life cycle on a set of physical servers with some analytics.

Moreover article claimed “for one promising or successful deployment there are several that fail and that will forever remain undocumented”, which is a hyperbole giving readers an indication that most OpenStack implementations fail without any supporting statistics. Based on my personal experience of working in enteprises for over 15 years, it seems more true for most of the large IT projects done using commercial technology solution and platforms from tier one provider (some of which by the way are classfied as visinary and leaders in Gartner Quadrant). If you want to see more details please see Why big IT projects crash and Why Project Fail

I also attended the OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong [1] and there are valid points in the article, which I also discussed with few people and vendors. But in no way this implies Vendors Can’t Sell OpenStack to Enterprise, indeed on the contrary found OpenStack to be very suitable for enterprises and private cloud than public cloud for which I feel Amazon compatible CloudStack and Eucalyptus are more suitable. Also during my own research in Cloud Computing, I came across multiple definitions of what is meant by Cloud Computing, so instead of focusing on a narrow definition of Cloud Computing littered with marketing terms, I used the definitions by NIST which I explained in my earlier post What is Cloud Computing. In the following sections I will try to address each issue raised by Gartner Researcher and also try to explain why OpenStack and for that matter even CloudStack or Eucalyptus or OpenNebula are ready for enterprises.

1) Lack of Clarity about what OpenStack does and does not

What is OpenStack

In this point the researcher contends that OpenStack is positioned as an alternative to Commercial Cloud Management Platform (CMP), as they are called in Gartner. This is indeed untrue, if you look at the figure above and read the definition of OpenStack [2], it gives you a clear idea of What is OpenStack. In the same paragraph Gartner researcher contends it needs to be augmented by a commercial CMP for being useful in enterprise private cloud and here I smell a rat.

Indeed instead of taking a narrow CMP view and definition of Gartner, I use a more neutral cloud computing definition from NIST and try to explain how OpenStack platform can help enable true private cloud with or without commercial CMP. This will directly address the first point regarding what OpenStack does and doesn’t.


Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models. Using this definition let me clarify how OpenStack can directly be implemented in Enterprise and vendors can sell it.

OpenStack and Five Essential Characteristics

  1. On-Demand self service
    This is one of the areas which is part of OpenStack since its inception. All the computing resource which includes compute, storage, networking, identity management, image store etc. are available and exposed as an API. This means they can be provisioned on demand without any or little human intervention. Now each enterprise use different policy and workflow for enabling and provisioning computing resources and OpenStack provides tremendous flexibility. This capability can be implemented without any Commercial CMP with long term support, moreover due to open nature of the API’s and availability of the source code enterprise will avoid vendor lock-in.
  2. Broad network access
    OpenStack provides Pluggable, scalable, API-driven network and IP management. It is part of OpenStack platform and with Neutron, it is possible to implement broad network accesss of any kind complying with enterprise network topology. Obviously every enterprise has its own network design which is unique, so it does need efforts to design a blueprint, but its true for any cloud computing project be it using commercial or open source. But compared to any commercial CMP which are mentioned in article I feel OpenStack and CloudStack are way ahead. Indeed VMWare need to acquire Nicira and still Nicira integration with OpenStack and CloudStack is much better then VMWare vCloud itself (obviously it will change with time but there are more then one option for enterprises).
  3. Resource pooling
    OpenStack and other open source cloud platforms support multiple mechanism like baremetal, light weight containers, hypervisors, storage, networking technologies which makes them ideal at resource pooling. So if enterprise use OpenStack or some other platform they have more freedom pooling disparate resources for their enterprise cloud computing services which is a typical situation in any enterprise be it large or small. Again due to open source nature of these cloud computing platforms they will always remain ahead of any commercial CMP’s in terms of the diversity of technology and the level of resource pooling available.
  4. Rapid elasticity
    By virtue of being open source OpenStack and similar cloud platforms offer unprecendented rapid elasticity to private clouds to scale horizontally or vertically for any application workloads without tying the enterprises into heavy investment and licensing restrictions. Moreover if the internal enterprise cloud cannot handle application or computing workloads, these platforms gives flexibility to enterprise to use any public cloud services automatically to scale without human intervention or typing them into specific vendor lock-in. On the other hand Commercial CMP’s severely lack in this area due to inherent licensing restrictions tagged on in the form of server instance, cpu cores, number of devices or storage capacity etc. So indeed in this aspect most of the Commercial CMP are detrimental for Private cloud then useful.
  5. Measured service
    OpenStack with the new project Ceilometer which provides a very scalable metering and billing service that can be customized for enterprise based on their own charging mechanisms. If Information Technology (IT) organization or division within an enterprise is cost center, it can be configured to automatically calculate chargebacks for individuals and departments and post it to internal finance and budgeting systems. If IT department or division is a revenue center it can be configured to calculate the computing resources and generate invoices for specific department or individuals within an enterprise. Again since each organization have their own unique budgeting, chargeback, pay per use charging mechanisms, OpenStack and for that matter even CloudStack with its cloud-usage plugin provides all the necessary data for enterprises to do this measuring and billing service without human intervention. Obviously many enterprises prefer not to build it themselved but rely on third party vendor to help them design their chargeback or invoicing mechanism and integration. Commercial CMP do not have such level of flexibility in this area.

OpenStack and three service models

  1. IaaS
    This part of current OpenStack offering and can be implemented fully within an enterprise with more flexibility and openness then can be offered by any commercial CMP’s in the article.
  2. PaaS
    Obviously since OpenStack supports multiple mechanisms like containers, bare-metal, hypervisor based compute resources, multiple different storage technology, different pluggable configuration management tools etc. it can directly support enterprises to build OpenStack PaaS cloud, commercial CMP are not as successful as open source platform in this area. Personally I am not in favor of extending core Cloud Computing Orchestration and Management platform to include PaaS, but provide a plugin mechanisms to build them. So in this regard there are many projects like Pivotal CloudFoundry, Redhat OpenShift. In this regard my personal opinion is that OpenStack should not make Solum as part of the OpenStack core project but keep it separate similar to OpenShift or CloudFoundry.
  3. SaaS
    OpenStack and CloudStack are more flexible and open platform for building enterprise private SaaS platform and indeed are very successful with many SaaS companies. But since this is not the focus of the Gartner article I will not explain it in details how it helps SaaS platforms.

OpenStack and four deployment models

Obviously OpenStack supports all four deployment models and there are successful case study in all four of them. I haven’t seen a single Commmercial CMP with successful case study in all four deployment models. Since Gartner analyst’s article was focused on Private Cloud in this area also there are several successful case study of OpenStack and its other open source cousins but it did not receive as much press coverage as the Commercial CMP’s do, obviously due to amount of marketing dollars spend on them. If press don’t know it does not mean it does not exist.

2) Lack of transparency about the business model around OpenStack.

OpenStack is a very young project and business models around it are building and some of them will bear fruits in time to come. This does not mean its not ready for enterprises today, as I covered in earlier section OpenStack is ready for enterprise and vendors can sell it today. Indeed in OpenStack Summit there was a video presentation from Redhat Red Hat Keynote - Truth Happens (For China users Red Hat Keynote - Truth Happens - China), that succintly can answer this concern. Readers can find more success stories at Open Source Stories.

Also one thing which every vendor needs to understand is that private cloud implementation is not simply install, configure and manage a piece of software. Its much more and requires proper understanding of Cloud Computing and how it will generate business value for enterprises. Since cloud computing is so new it will take some time for vendors to digest and understand, as it is disrupting their traditional models with which they worked for decades. Being part of the open source eco-systems and projects within OpenStack, it helps them to prepare for demonstrating business value and at the same time improving OpenStack to deliver that business value. Vendor participation in OpenStack is not philonthropy, every vendor participating in the process is not just contributing, but learning, preparing, training and improving their own team to be ready for next disruption and in directly helping the overall cloud computing eco-system. This investment is far less then the money they will spend on consulting and market research firm to tell them what to do, without any tangible outcome. Participating in open source cloud computing platform helps them with tangible outcomes, not just with a piece of powerpoint, pdf or a report.

As for low adoption rate and few deployments, it can directly be attributed to lack of knowledge and awareness about Cloud Computing within IT organizations of traditional enterprises. I will be very happy if market research and analysis firm (like Gartner, Forrester) can take lead in this area and promote awareness about Cloud Computing within IT organization of traditional enteprprises. Hopefully they can steer them away from narrow cloud computing definitions and visions promoted by Commercial CMP’s. I am sure once the IT Organization understand the basics of Cloud Computing, they will adopt and launch multi-million dollar projects with OpenStack or its other siblings for implementing private clouds and integrate them with public clouds in ways unseen before, its just a matter of time.

3) Lack of vision and long term differentiation

In this I do agree partially with the Gartner Analyst that many vendors just focus on making OpenStack installers and differentiate themselves by offering a piece of software which is easy to install and manage. This is due to lack of Cloud Computing knowledge within the industry both among vendors and enterprises. Hopefully organization like Gartner, Forrester, large vendors, governments, large enterprises in time will fix this.

But with respect to long term vision I do not see any issue, indeed in last three years, since the time I am following this project I have seen constant progress and improvements with some issues in between which are normal for any large project of this size.

Also I don’t agree that vendors need to differentiate OpenStack to sell it to enterprise. If vendors remain true to demonstrating the business value they bring to enterprise with OpenStack platform for Cloud Computing, they will be able to sell. Obviously here the age old Survival of fittest will apply, vendors who are able to demosntrate a better business value will survive and the one’s who could not compete in demonstrating value will slowly die. So I will suggest OpenStack community to focus more on improving the platform and provide a demonstrable business value then superficial differentiation based on unneeded features.

4) Lack of pragmatism

Based on my personal interaction with the vendors in OpenStack Summit I did not encounter this lack of pragmatism. Some vendors were already offering OpenStack configurations which integrates hyper-v and VMWare to build Cloud Computing within enterprise using OpenStack. Indeed VMWare is another tool for managing virtual machine lifecycle and some features for data center management. The way I see it is, if enterprise has invested in VMWare and want to extend this platform they can very well implementa a Cloud Computing Infrastructure using OpenStack (personally I work with CloudStack and know that it can be used with VMWare directly and assuming it is also true for OpenStack).

Since OpenStack supports pluggable architecture for hypervisor, storage, networking I do not see any issue in having multiple different hypervisors including Microsoft Server Center as part of the larger OpenStack eco-system. Indeed based on my latest information the OpenStack from Suse, support hyper-v from microsoft along with VMWare out of the box. OpenStack is not just a virtual machine life cycle management platform like vmware or other so-called commercial CMP, but is a large platform which provides a pluggable, API based interface.

I feel the main reason enterprise choose a vendor in long term is based on how a vendor is able to demonstrate the business value of the services or products its providing to enterprises. In any eco-system there are good and not so good vendors its the same problem with any commercial technology product be it from SAP or Oracle or IBM. So its not lack of pragatism but different camps in a large project which is normal.


Comparing with any commercial CMP mentioned in the article I still feel OpenStack and its open source siblings like CloudStack are better at addressing Cloud Computing needs of enterprise with pluggable, distributed, scalable, REST based services driven architectures. Lack of interest from enterprise for Cloud Computing has more to do with:

  • understanding it,
  • difficulty in deriving business value,
  • lack of quality analysis, articles and materials available to understand it,
  • vendors are not yet ready to demonstrate real business value they bring by implementing Cloud Computing in enterpirse,
  • traditional IT vendors sold many technology platforms, products in the name of commercial CMP’s to enteprise under the disguise of Cloud Computing without demonstrable business value,
  • and last but not the least narrow definition of cloud computing by large vendors to suite their own product portfolio.

All this aggraveted the situation of cloud computing with enterprises and made the job of new platform much harder. But this will change with time, when vendors will be manture enough to demonstrate the business value and enterprise understand how they can derive business value. Until then its a normal trajectory of market development. But again I do not agree with the analysts conclusion and underline my initial thought that Vendors can sell OpenStack today, obviously it will require them to demonstrate business value to enteprise customers, but that is true for any technology product or solution.


[1]About OpenStack
[2]The OpenStack Summit Hong Kong 2013
Sat, 23 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/30/what_is_cloud_computing.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/30/what_is_cloud_computing.html <![CDATA[What is Cloud Computing?]]>

What is Cloud Computing?

Recently (i.e. on Saturday 26th October) I talked about Current State and Future of Cloud Computing in China in barcamp SHANGHAI. In my talk I covered:

Current State and Future of Cloud Computing in China
  • What is cloud computing?
  • What is cloud computing officially in China?
  • Current state and market analysis of cloud computing in China
  • Regulatory framework for cloud computing in China
  • Factors affecting cloud computing in China
  • Future of cloud computing in China

If you check companies in US Stock Exchange be it in Internet and Information Technology sector or not, you will notice many are adding Cloud Computing in their portfolio of products or services to drive higher valuation or sales. Its not far-fetched when you will be able to buy a Cloud Toilet, like UK local authorities operate cloud-connected toilets which is helping them driving down costs while increasing quality. So it becomes imperative to understand what is really Cloud Computing.

In the beginning of the talk I asked audiences a question “What is cloud computing?” and I received variety of answers some said it means apple iCloud, Google Cloud, Baidu Cloud while one answered its a service like Water Supply in the city where everyone pays based on water usage. So indeed there were many different answers to the question. So before going into details and analyzing Cloud Computing, I set up a baseline of what is the meaning of cloud computing. In this article I will discuss the same.

Cloud Computing Definition [1]

After evaluating many definition, I settled on one from National Institute of Standards and Technology [1] (hereafter called NIST), which in my view is the most complete and logical definition of cloud computing.

Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models.

Essential Characteristics

Five Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing
  1. On-Demand self service
    A consumer can unilaterally provision computing capabilities, such as server time and network storage, as needed automatically without requiring human interaction with each service provider.
  2. Broad network access
    Capabilities are available over the network and accessed through standard mechanisms that promote use by heterogeneous thin or thick client platforms (e.g., mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and workstations).
  3. Resource pooling
    The provider’s computing resources are pooled to serve multiple consumers using a multi-tenant model, with different physical and virtual resources dynamically assigned and reassigned according to consumer demand. There is a sense of location independence in that the customer generally has no control or knowledge over the exact location of the provided resources but may be able to specify location at a higher level of abstraction (e.g., country, state, or datacenter). Examples of resources include storage, processing, memory, and network bandwidth.
  4. Rapid elasticity
    Capabilities can be elastically provisioned and released, in some cases automatically, to scale rapidly outward and inward commensurate with demand. To the consumer, the capabilities available for provisioning often appear to be unlimited and can be appropriated in any quantity at any time.
  5. Measured service
    Cloud systems automatically control and optimize resource use by leveraging a metering capability at some level of abstraction appropriate to the type of service (e.g., storage, processing, bandwidth, active user accounts). Resource usage can be monitored, controlled, audited, and reported, providing transparency for both the provider and consumer of the utilized service.

So in essence if any company calls its products, solutions and service as cloud computing it should be able to fulfill the above five criterias.

Service Models

Three Service Models for Cloud Computing
  1. Software as a Service (SaaS)
    The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider’s applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client devices through either a thin client interface, such as a web browser (e.g., web-based email) or a program interface. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the possible exception of limited user- specific application configuration settings.
  2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
    The capability provided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming languages, libraries, services, and tools supported by the provider.12 The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly configuration settings for the application-hosting environment.
  3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
    The capability provided to the consumer is to provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and applications. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage, and deployed applications, and possibly limited control of select networking components (e.g., host firewalls).

So Cloud Computing can be delivered in any one or combination of these models, the only pre-requisite is to have the five essential characteristics explained earlier.

Deployment Models

Public and Community Deployment Models for Cloud Computing Private and Hybrid Deployment Models for Cloud Computing
  1. Community cloud
    The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a specific community of consumers from organizations that have shared concerns (e.g., mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance considerations). It may be owned, managed, and operated by one or more of the organizations in the community, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises.
  2. Public cloud
    The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for open use by the general public. It may be owned, managed, and operated by a business, academic, or government organization, or some combination of them. It exists on the premises of the cloud provider.
  3. Private cloud
    The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprising multiple consumers (e.g., business units). It may be owned, managed, and operated by the organization, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises.
  4. Hybrid cloud
    The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private, community, or public) that remain unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability (e.g., cloud bursting for load balancing between clouds).

Again the litmus test for calling any of the deployments as Cloud Computing are the five essential characteristics in earlier section.

Cloud Computing Reference Architecture [2]

Cloud Computing definition provides a clear understanding of what it is and to further clarify details NIST also provide a referene architecture. This reference architecture is a generic high-level conceptual model for discussing the requirements, structures, and operations of cloud computing. The model is not tied to any specific vendor products, services, or reference implementation, nor does it define prescriptive solutions that inhibit innovation. It defines a set of actors, activities, and functions that can be used in the process of developing cloud computing architectures, and relates to a companion cloud computing taxonomy. It contains a set of views and descriptions that are the basis for discussing the characteristics, uses, and standards for cloud computing.

Cloud Computing Reference Architecture

Above cloud computing reference architecture defines five major actors: cloud consumer, cloud provider, cloud auditor, cloud broker and cloud carrier where each actor is an entity (a person or an organization that participate in a transaction or process and/or performs tasks in cloud computing. It also includes architectural elements of cloud computing.

Actors in Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing reference architecture defines five major actors:

Actor Definition
Cloud Consumer A person or organization that maintains a business relationship with, and uses service from, Cloud Providers.
Cloud Provider A person, organization, or entity responsible for making a service available to interested parties.
Cloud Auditor A party that can conduct independent assessment of cloud services, information system operations, performance and security of the cloud implementation.
Cloud Broker An entity that manages the use, performance and delivery of cloud services, and negotiates relationships between Cloud Providers and Cloud Consumers.
Cloud Carrier An intermediary that provides connectivity and transport of cloud services from Cloud Providers to Cloud Consumers.

Cloud Consumer

The cloud consumer is the principal stakeholder for the cloud computing service. A cloud consumer represents a person or organization that maintains a business relationship with, and uses the service from a cloud provider. A cloud consumer browses the service catalog from a cloud provider, requests the appropriate service, sets up service contracts with the cloud provider, and uses the service. The cloud consumer may be billed for the service provisioned, and needs to arrange payments accordingly.

Cloud consumers need SLAs to specify the technical performance requirements fulfilled by a cloud provider. SLAs can cover terms regarding the quality of service, security, remedies for performance failures. A cloud provider may also list in the SLAs a set of promises explicitly not made to consumers, i.e. limitations, and obligations that cloud consumers must accept. A cloud consumer can freely choose a cloud provider with better pricing and more favorable terms.

Cloud Provider

A cloud provider can be a person, an organization, or an entity responsible for making a service available to cloud consumers. A cloud provider builds the requested software/platform/ infrastructure services, manages the technical infrastructure required for providing the services, provisions the services at agreed-upon service levels, and protects the security and privacy of the services. Cloud provider conducts its activities in the areas of service deployment, service orchestration, cloud service management, security, and privacy.

Cloud Auditor

A cloud auditor is a party that can conduct independent assessment of cloud services, information system operations, performance, and the security of a cloud computing implementation. A cloud auditor can evaluate the services provided by a cloud provider in terms of security controls, privacy impact, performance, and adherence to service level agreement parameters.

Cloud Broker

A cloud broker is an entity that manages the use, performance, and delivery of cloud services, and negotiates relationships between cloud providers and cloud consumers. As cloud computing evolves, the integration of cloud services may become too complex for cloud consumers to manage. In such cases cloud broker can provide services in following three categories directly to cloud consumers with single consistent interface to multiple different providers.

  1. Intermediation
    Cloud broker enhances a given service by improving some specific capability and providing value-added services to cloud Consumers. The improvement can be managing access to cloud services, identity management, performance reporting, enhanced security, etc.
  2. Aggregation
    Cloud broker combines and integrates multiple services into one or more new services. The broker provides data integration and ensures the secure data movement between the cloud consumer and multiple cloud providers.
  3. Arbitrage
    Service arbitrage is similar to service aggregation except that the services being aggregated are not fixed. Service arbitrage means a broker has the flexibility to choose services from multiple cloud providers. The cloud broker, for example, can use network latency of cloud provider to select a cloud provider with lowest network latency.

Cloud Carrier

A cloud carrier is an intermediary that provides connectivity and transport of cloud services between cloud consumers and cloud providers. Cloud carriers provide access to cloud consumers through network, telecommunication, and other access devices. Like cloud consumers can access cloud computing from cloud providers through network access devices, like computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets, internet connected devices like in-car navigation, smart toilets etc. The distribution of cloud services is normally provided by network and telecommunication carriers or a transport agent, where a transport agent refers to a business organization that provides physical transport of storage media such as high-capacity hard drives. Note that a cloud provider will set up service level agreements (SLAs) with a cloud carrier to provide services consistent with the level of SLAs offered to cloud consumers, and may require the cloud carrier to provide dedicated and encrypted connections between cloud consumers and cloud providers.

Architectural Components

According to cloud computing reference architecture following are the main architectural components:

Service Deployment

This is covered in Service Models sections and can be public, private, community and hybrid.

Service Orchestration

Service Orchestration refers to the composition of system components to support the Cloud Providers activities in arrangement, coordination and management of computing resources in order to provide cloud services to Cloud Consumers. It consist of three layers; service layer, resource abstraction and control layer and physical resource layer as visible in Cloud Computing Reference Architecture figure above.

Cloud Service Management

Cloud Service Management includes all of the service-related functions that are necessary for the management and operation of those services required by cloud consumers. As illustrated in Cloud Computing Reference Architecture above, cloud service management can be described from the perspective of business support, provisioning and configuration, and from the perspective of portability and interoperability requirements.


Cloud Computing systems need to address security requirements such as authentication, authorization, availability, confidentiality, identity management, integrity, audit, security monitoring, incident response, and security policy management. Security in cloud computing spans across all layers of the reference model, ranging from physical security to application security. Also security is under purview of not only cloud providers, but also cloud consumer, cloud carrier, cloud broker (if they are involved). Its the responsibility of cloud auditor to audit and report security of cloud computing architecture and actors involved.


Cloud providers should protect the assured, proper, and consistent collection, processing, communication, use and disposition of personal information and personally identifiable information in the cloud. Its also the responsibility of cloud auditor to audit and report privacy in cloud computing architecture and actors involved.


So in essence Cloud Computing refers to the delivery of scalable IT resources over Internet, such as storage, compute, networking with security and privacy. Cloud computing enables end users to “rent” and remotely access resources from cloud providers on a pay-per-use basis, resulting in both improved system scalability and cost savings. This transition to the cloud may be self-reinforcing; as businesses discover cost benefits in moving some or their entire IT infrastructure to cloud platforms, economies of scale should allow cloud computing prices to decline further still, which in turn will attract new providers and cloud computing solutions into the market. Beyond the financial incentive to use cloud services to address current IT needs, the availability of low-cost distributed High Performance Computing (HPC) may open up new avenues of business, enabling companies that would not be able to afford traditional physical supercomputing infrastructure to tap into those services whenever necessary. Also cloud computing by automating many tasks and reducing costs can bring efficiency in building scalable applications, services and products which will enable Startups to disrupt the traditional business models.

This article serves as foundation for my next article for covering next topic from the talk on Current State and Future of Cloud Computing in China.


[1](1, 2) The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing
[2]NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture
Wed, 30 Oct 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/18/shanghai_ftz_faq.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/18/shanghai_ftz_faq.html <![CDATA[Shanghai FTZ Frequently Asked Questions]]>

Shanghai FTZ Frequently Asked Questions

Shanghai FTZ - Frequently Asked Questions

On October 15 th 2013 Shanghai Government released “Interpretation of the Administrative Measures for the Shanghai Free Trade Zone”, which clarified several issues regarding the Framework Plan for the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. It tries to answer the frequently asked questions related to regulatory draft of the Shanghai FTZ. Indeed most of the content in the FAQ’s is already part of the Regulatory draft and I have already covered it in the previous article Shanghai FTZ Updates - Summary of Administrative Measures.

Question: What is the purpose of the “Framework Plan for the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone”?

Answer: The purpose of “Framework Plan for the China(Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone” is to regulate the operations of the Shanghai FTZ. This helps to clarify the administrative system and regulations for Shanghai FTZ. It is released on Sunday September 29 th 2013.

Question: What is the main content of the “Framework Plan for the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone”?

Answer: The Administrative Measures in “Framework Plan for the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone” contains 39 provisions and regulate the following six areas:

  1. Regulatory basis and application scope of the Administrative Measures and main functions of the Shanghai FTZ.
  2. Responsibility of the Administration Committee of the Shanghai FTZ.
  3. Investment System in Shanghai FTZ.
  4. Entry and Exit Supervision Measures of Shanghai FTZ.
  5. Financial Innovations and Risk Management System in Shanghai FTZ.
  6. Supporting Management and Services Optimization in Shanghai FTZ.

Question: What are the main functions of Shanghai FTZ?

Answer: The main functions of the Shanghai FTZ are following:

  • Promoting and Opening Up of the Services Industry
  • Investment Management System Reforms
  • Facilitating Trade Transformation and Upgrades
  • Opening up Financial Services Sector
  • Innovations in Entry and Exit supervision services to streamline transhipment, import and export.
  • Improving Regulatory and Supporting Systems in line with International Investment and Trade Rules.
  • Building an International and Lawful Business environment.

Question: What areas will be further opened up for domestic and foreign investors?

Answer: Shanghai FTZ will open up following services sectors for foreign investment:

  • Financial Services
  • Shipping Services
  • Commercial and Trade Services
  • Professional Services
  • Culture Services
  • Social Services

The key innovation in this area is that Shanghai FTZ will suspend or cancle the entry requirements on investors’ qualifications and restrictions on shareholding proportions and business scope.

Question: Did Shanghai FTZ released any new measures for Foreign Investment Management?

Answer: Shanghai FTZ will implement a Negative List approach for Foreign Investment Management. Foreign Investment in the sectors not covered under negative list only need to go through record filing procedures.

Question: Did Shanghai FTZ released any new measures for overseas investment by enterprises registered in Shanghai FTZ?

Answer: Overseas investment by enterprises registered in Shanghai FTZ only need to go through record-filing formalities.

Question: Did Shanghai FTZ released any new measures in terms of Industrial and Commercial Administration?

Answer: All companies in Shanghai FTZ in the sectors and services not in negative list are covered under the capital registration system on trial basis. The authorities will register the subscribed capital contribution of the initiators or the total subscribed shares of the shareholders instead of the paid-up capital of the company. Shareholders shall be liable for the authenticity and legality of the capital contribution.

Companies in Shanghai FTZ may commence normal production and operation activities after obtaining the business license. For foreign-invested enterprises (FIE) whose industry is not on the negative list no longer need verification or approval from the Shanghai Commission of Commerce or Ministry of Commerce. A foreign investor now can file application form and certification with Shanghai FTZ Commission (i.e. Shanghai FTZ’s chief adiministrative authority) providing information on itself and the FIE for setup directly, with no additional supporting documents and extensive examination required.

After filing, FIEs can register with the local Admministration for Industry and Commerce (AIC) and other agencies within Shanghai FTZ to obtain the required certificates and licenses to operate. Based on information available the processing time is reduced to four business days from filing and initial application. This simplified procedure does not apply to companies operating in negative list sectors, for which verification or approval is still required.

Question: Did Shanghai FTZ released any new measures for Entry and Exit Supervision?

Answer: The Shanghai FTZ has rolled out the following Entry and Exit measures:

  • Goods transferred between the Shanghai FTZ and foreign territories, enterprises in Shanghai FTZ are allowed to deliver such goods to the zone by producing the import manifest information and file for entry record later.
  • Goods transferred between the Shanghai FTZ and domestic regions, an intelligent monitoring mode will be implemented.
  • Enterprises in Shanghai FTZ may decide when to apply for inspection on their own before their goods are transferred outside the zone.
  • Shanghai FTZ will implement a “one declaration, one inspection and one approval” mode.
  • Shanghai FTZ will implement a “centralized reporting and self-transport” approach to promote the flow of goods between enterprises within Shanghai FTZ.
  • Shanghai FTZ will promote classified supervision mode for goods. Specifically:
    • Goods under bonded storage and processing goods will be regulated and supervised in accordance with provisions on bonded goods.
    • Goods imported and exported through the port in Shanghai FTZ and international transit goods will be regulated and supervised in accordance with provisions on port goods.
    • Certain domestic trade goods that enter Shanghai FTZ will be regulated and supervised in accordance with provisions on non-bonded goods.

Question: Did Shanghai FTZ released any new measure for Financial Innovation and Risk Control Measures?

Answer: Shanghai FTZ released following measures for Financial Innovation and Risk Control?*

RMB Convertibility under Capital Account
Under a controllable risk level, the Shanghai FTZ will implement a trial program of RMB convertibility under the capital account. But still based on the information available RMB will not be freely convertible, but will have certain approvals or recording measures in place to control the risks.
Interest Rate Liberalization
In Shanghai FTZ it is planned to liberalize interest rate and let it be determined by market and real economy gradually. This will promote the reforms on interest rate liberalization.
RMB Cross-border Usage
Shanghai FTZ aims to be the largest RMB cross border trade settlement center displacing Hong Kong. But it still depends on the liberalization of RMB convertibility and financial regulations.
Foreign Exchange Management
Shanghai FTZ will setup a foreign exchange management system for trade investments.

Question: Did Shanghai FTZ release any new measures to strengthen supporting management and services?

Answer: Shanghai FTZ has established a system to simplify the administrative procedures in the zone. For approval of foreign investment projects and enterprises establishment, Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC) authorities in the zone will accept the application documents submitted by applicants and deliver relevant instruments to such applicants in a unified manner. Moreover, enterprises in the zone are required to submit annual reports to AIC. Such reports will be publicized and enterprises will be held liable for the authenticity and legality of the reports.

Fri, 18 Oct 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/18/shanghai_ftz___summary_of_administrative_measures.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/18/shanghai_ftz___summary_of_administrative_measures.html <![CDATA[Shanghai FTZ Updates - Summary of Administrative Measures]]>

Shanghai FTZ Updates - Summary of Administrative Measures

Shanghai FTZ Updates - Summary of Administrative Measures

In my previous article Best Location for Startups in China - Shanghai FTZ I covered the first regulatory draft of Shanghai FTZ with respect to Startups in China. Most of the details regarding the Framework were published subsequently on the Shanghai FTZ Site [1]. I have been regularly attending seminars and discussion regarding the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and found that many people have a lot of questions related to the purpose of setting up Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. What is the advantage of new Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone over existing Special Economic Zone and Free Trade Zone.

Since many of the Financial innovations and trade related regulations are not yet released, so the picture is not clear. Still based on the information already available, this article try to summarize and elaborate on some of the administrative measures. Hopefully this will answer some of the questions.

Administrative Measures for Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ)

Shanghai Government has release administrative measures for pilot FTZ in the following areas:

  1. Investment Management
  2. Trade Development and Facilitation
  3. Financial Innovation and Risk Management
  4. Supporting Management and Services

Following are the details of the Administrative Measures

Main Purpose and Functions of Shanghai Pilot FTZ

This section covers the main purpose and functions of Shanghai Pilot FTZ and try to answer what is Shanghai FTZ and what its functions ares:

  • Promoting and Opening Up of the Services Industry
  • Investment Management System Reforms
  • Facilitating Trade Transformation and Upgrades
  • Opening up Financial Services Sector
  • Innovations in Entry and Exit supervision services to streamline transhipment, import and export.
  • Improving Regulatory and Supporting Systems in line with International Investment and Trade Rules.
  • Building an International and Lawful Business environment.

Administrative Body

Shanghai Governemnt has set up Shanghai Free Trade Zone Administration Committee to manage and coordinate relevant administrative affairs relating to the zone.

Investment Management Measures

Shanghai FTZ will open up following services sectors for foreign investment:

  • Financial Services
  • Shipping Services
  • Commercial and Trade Services
  • Professional Services
  • Culture Services
  • Social Services

The key innovation in this area is that Shanghai FTZ will suspend or cancle the entry requirements on investors’ qualifications and restrictions on shareholding proportions and business scope. Literally this means if you set up a company in Shanghai FTZ initially providing 10 products or services, you can change them to 15 or 20 product or services without requiring to change the business scope as long as they are not in the negative list (covered in next section). This is very different from existing FTZ in China.

Negative List [2]

Shanghai FTZ will implement a Negative List approach for Foreign Investment Management. Foreign Investment in the sectors not covered under negative list only need to go through record filing procedures.

Capital Registration System

All companies in Shanghai FTZ in the sectors and services not in negative list are covered under the capital registration system on trial basis. The authorities will register the subscribed capital contribution of the initiators or the total subscribed shares of the shareholders instead of the paid-up capital of the company. Shareholders shall be liable for the authenticity and legality of the capital contribution.

Business Licensing

Companies in Shanghai FTZ may commence normal production and operation activities after obtaining the business license. For foreign-invested enterprises (FIE) whose industry is not on the negative list no longer need verification or approval from the Shanghai Commission of Commerce or Ministry of Commerce. A foreign investor now can file application form and certification with Shanghai FTZ Commission (i.e. Shanghai FTZ’s chief adiministrative authority) providing information on itself and the FIE for setup directly, with no additional supporting documents and extensive examination required.

After filing, FIEs can register with the local Admministration for Industry and Commerce (AIC) and other agencies within Shanghai FTZ to obtain the required certificates and licenses to operate. Based on information available the processing time is reduced to four business days from filing and initial application. This simplified procedure does not apply to companies operating in negative list sectors, for which verification or approval is still required.


Based on the information available FIE’s in the zone will generally be able to setup branches outside the Shanghai FTZ (except in the sectors where branches are specifically prohibited). The details on setting up branches are not yet available.

Tax Policy

Shanghai FTZ did not provide any information for tax incentives offered to enterprises within Shanghai FTZ. Existing special economic zones in China offer low preferential enterprise income tax rates and individual income tax rebaes for certain qualified workers. The specific tax incentives to be offered in Shanghai FTZ are subject to on-going discussion. But based on information available Shanghai Government is trying to get better tax incentives in Shanghai FTZ for companies to setup their Asia-Pacific headquarters to bring them inline with that of Hong Kong and Singapore.

Trade Development and Facilitation

One of the intentions of Shanghai FTZ is to encourage multinationals to establish Asia-Pacific headquarters and operating centers with trade, logistics and settlement. This in essence meant moving from Hong Kong, Singapore to Shanghai FTZ, since China is already or going to be one of the largest market for many of this multinationals in Asia-Pacific region.

This measuers will help to upgraded following sectors in Shanghai Pilot FTZ, since they are already part of the existing FTZ:

  • Internation Trade
  • Warehousing and Logistics
  • Processing and Manufacturing

Also besides this Shanghai FTZ will promote development of the following sectors and services:

  • Offshore Business
  • International Trade Settlement
  • International Bulk Commodities Transactions
  • Financial Leasing
  • Bonded Delivery of Futures
  • Cross Border eCommerce.

Shipping Hub

As China is one of the largest trading partner for many countries around the world and Shanghai being the largest container port terminal in the world. Shanghai FTZ will promote and facilitate the following shipping businesses to cement its leading position:

  • Shipping Finance
  • International Shipping
  • International Ship Management
  • International Crew Management
  • International Shipping Brokerage
  • Shipping Price Index Derivatives Trading

Financial Innovation and Risk Controls

In order to encourage multinationals to move their Asia Pacific Headquarters to Shanghai FTZ and also to built Shanghai as one of the leading Financial Center same as New York, London, Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong following measures are planned:

RMB Convertibility under Capital Account

Under a controllable risk level, the Shanghai FTZ will implement a trial program of RMB convertibility under the capital account. But still based on the information available RMB will not be freely convertible, but will have certain approvals or recording measures in place to control the risks.

Interest Rate Liberalization

Currently China liberalized the lending rates, but deposit rates are still controlled. In Shanghai FTZ it is planned to liberalize the deposit rate and lending rate gradually and let it be determined by market. But details are not yet available and given the impact on profitability and interest of the large banks in China, it might take sometime for details to emerge.

RMB Cross-border Usage

Shanghai FTZ aims to be the largest RMB cross border trade settlement center displacing Hong Kong. But it still depends on the liberalization of RMB convertibility and financial regulations.

Foreign Exchange Management

Shanghai FTZ will setup a foreign exchange management system for trade investments.

Supporting Management and Services

In order for companies to setup Asia Pacific headquarters in Shanghai FTZ, it will establish following measures:

Intellectual Property Protection

Shanghai FTZ will strengthen intellectual property protection and encourage professional institutions to provide intellectual property protection and mediation services in the zone.

Commercial Dispute Settlement

Companies in Shanghai FTZ may bring commercial dispute lawsuits to The People’s Court or apply for arbitration or commercial mediation based on mutual agreements.


If Shanghai Government can implement reforms and policies in Shanghai FTZ, it will create substantial financial, tax, supply chain and operational incentives for companies to do business. Also it will help propel Shanghai as one of the leading business centers in the world not just for China, but for Asia Pacific. Only time will tell the difference, currently both investors and government are treading carefully and adopted a wait and watch before act plan.


[1]Framework Plan for the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
[2]Startups and Shanghai FTZ - Negative List
Fri, 18 Oct 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/14/shanghai_ftz___what_s_known.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/14/shanghai_ftz___what_s_known.html <![CDATA[Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) - What is known]]>

Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) - What is known

Shanghai Free Trade Zone - What is Know

In my previous two articles on Shanghai Free Trade Zone I talked about the initial draft regulation and negative list. In this article I will like to summarize what I know about Shanghai FTZ. Hopefully it will help people looking for information and update on Shanghai FTZ.

Draft Regulation [1] [9]

Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone draft regulation was published on 29th September 2013 with following key provisions:

1. Geographical Scope

Shanghai FTZ covers an area of 28.78 square kilometers, and consists of 4 areas:

  1. Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone.
  2. Waigaoqiao Free Trade Logistics Park.
  3. Pudong Airport Comprehensive Free Trade Zone.
  4. Yangshan Free Trade Port Area.

2. Major Tasks and Measures

Shanghai Pilot FTZ will open up following 18 sectors divided into 5 broad categories for trial.

1. Financial Services

  1. Banking service (Classification of National Economic Industries: J Finance industry – 6620 Monetary banking service)
  2. Specialized health and medical insurance (Classification of National Economic Industries: J Finance industry – 6812 Health and accident insurance)
  3. Financial leasing (Classification of National Economic Industries: J Finance industry – 6631 Finance leasing service)

2. Transportation Services

  1. Ocean transportation (Classification of National Economic Industries: G Transportation, warehousing and postal industry – 5521 Ocean transportation)
  2. International ship management (Classification of National Economic Industries: G Transportation, warehousing and postal industry – 5539 Other water transportation auxiliary service)

3.Commerce and Trade Services

  1. Value-added telecommunications (Classification of National Economic Industries: I Information transmission, software and information technology service – 6319 Other telecommunication service, 6420 Internet information service, 6540 Data processing and storage service, 6592 call centre)
  2. Entertainment and gaming consoles sales and service (Classification of National Economic Industries: F Wholesale and retailing – 5179 Wholesale of other mechanical and electronic products)

4. Professional Services

  1. Lawyer service (Classification of National Economic Industries: L Leasing and business service – 7221 Lawyers and related legal service)
  2. Credit inquiry (Classification of National Economic Industries: L Leasing and business service – 7295 Credit service)
  3. Tourism companies (Classification of National Economic Industries: L Leasing and business service – 7271 Travel agency service)
  4. Human resources service (Classification of National Economic Industries: L Leasing and business service – 7262 Professional intermediary service)
  5. Investment management (Classification of National Economic Industries: L Leasing and business service – 7211 Headquarter s management)
  6. Engineering design (Classification of National Economic Industries: M Scientific research and technology service company – 7482 Engineering investigation and design)
  7. Construction service (Classification of National Economic Industries: E Construction industry – 47 Housing construction industry, 48 Civil Engineering Construction, 49 Construction and Installation, 50 Building decoration and other construction)

5. Cultural Services

  1. Entertainment artist agency (Classification of National Economic Industries: R Culture, sports and entertainment – 8941 Culture and entertainment agency)
  2. Entertainment facilities (Classification of National Economic Industries: R Culture, sports and entertainment – 8911 ballroom recreation activities)

6. Public Services

  1. Education and training, vocational skills training (Classification of National Economic Industries: P Education – 8291 Vocational skills training)
  2. Medical service (Classification of National Economic Industries: Q Health and social work – 8311 General hospital, 8315 Specialized hospital, 8330 Out-patient department)

3. Establish an appropriate regulatory environment for supervision and tax

1. Create new mode of supervision

  1. Simplify the import supervision model to realize “Frontier Opening”.
  2. Strictly enforce “Second-tier Effective and Efficient Control”.
  3. Enhance cooperation among authorities like Customs, Inspection & Quarantine, Industry & Commerce, Taxation, Foreign Exchange and others.

2. Explore a supporting tax regime

  1. Implement tax policies to boost investment.
  2. Implement tax policies to promote trade.

4. Organize and Implement Effectively

The State Council will lead and coordinate the promotion of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. The Shanghai Municipal People’s Government is responsible for organizing implementation, improving the working mechanism, and allocating detail responsibilities. Based on the targets which were clearly set out in the Framework Plan and pilot tasks, in accordance with the principle of “go ahead with the matured ones and follow by perfection”, the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government can create a practical implementation plan and enforce without delay.

Negative List [2]

Shanghai FTZ is departure from the earlier mechanism where foreign investors can only invest according to the sectors open for investment as defined by MOFCOM [3]. Shanghai FTZ will follow a negative list approach where investors can invest in any sectors not covered in this list. This means all the sectors except in negative list are open for foreign investment in Shanghai FTZ. The list covers 1,069 sectors across 18 broad categories of industry and contains 190 special regulatory measures. Some of the sectors are highlighted below:

  1. Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Industries
  2. Mining Industry
  3. Manufacturing Industry
  4. Production and Supply Industries for Power, Gas and Water
  5. Construction Industry
  6. Wholesale and Retail Industries
  7. Transportation, Warehousing and Postal Service Industries
  8. Information Transmission, Computer Service and Software Industries
  9. Finance Industry
  10. Real Estate Industry
  11. Leasing and Commercial Service Industries
  12. Scientific Research and Technical Service Industries
  13. Water Conservancy,
  14. Environmental, and Public Facilities Management Industries
  15. Education Industry Health and Social Industries
  16. Cultural, Sports and Entertainment Industries

Following provisions make it bit difficult for technology Startups in Shanghai FTZ compared to Hong Kong, Singapore are:

  1. Investment is prohibited in Internet Data Center Services Industry.
  2. Prohibited Online Game Services
  3. Foreign Investment in eCommerce shall not exceed 55%
  4. Foreign Investment in Data Processing and Online Transaction processing shall not exceed 50%.
  5. Foreign Investment in IP-VPN services shall not exceed 50%.
  6. Foreign Investment in Mobile App Store shall not exceed 50%

Shanghai FTZ in Business

Shanghai FTZ opened enterprise registration on Tuesday 9 th October 2013. Following are the updates so far:

  • On the opening day of registration in Shanghai FTZ 577 people applied for business registration and 1480 people ask for advice and additional information at the service lobby. [4]
  • HSBC and Bank of East Asia (BEA) received regulatory approval to open a sub-branch in Shanghai’s pilot free trade zone, joining Citigroup and DBS Bank who already got the approval. [5]
  • buyeasi.com, operated by payment service provider Easipay will launch e-commerce platform in the Shanghai FTZ to allow consumers from China’s mainland to buy foreign brands at lower prices. [6]
  • Since the opening 600 people visit Shanghai FTZ service desk daily with almost 2000 people seeking advice and information every day. [7]
  • Shanghai FTZ mau allow foreign companies to raie capital by selling shares and try to tap the world’s fourth largest stock market. [8]

Special Provision for Company Registration in FTZ

Shanghai FTZ offers many reforms and one of the key reforms is related to Company Regitrations. Based on opinions published for Shanghai Free Trade Zone following reforms will be tested:

Business Registration System Reforms

  1. Capital Registration System

    All companies in Shanghai FTZ in the sectors and services not in negative list are covered under the capital registration system on trial basis. The authorities will register the subscribed capital contribution of the initiators or the total subscribed shares of the shareholders instead of the paid-up capital of the company.

    1. Relaxing the Capital Registration Requirement

      The following capital registration requirements have been canceled in Shanghai FTZ:

      • The minimum registered capital of limited liability companies (RMB30, 000).
      • The minimum registered capital of one-person limited liability companies (RMB100,000).
      • The minimum registered capital of joint stock limited companies (RMB5,000,000).
      • The period within which the shareholders shall fully pay up their capital contribution.

      Moreover, the restrictions on the initial capital contribution amount and proportion of all shareholders upon company incorporation, and those on the proportion of monetary contribution in the registered capital have been removed.

    2. Companies can start operation after obtaining the business license. Do not need to wait for certificate

  2. Optimize the business registration and and setup process

    In Shanghai FTZ the business registration process and setup will be optimized and according to information and guideline the time will be reduced from current 30 days to 4 working days.

  3. Build and manage shared credit supervision system

    Shanghai FTZ will setup information sharing system for credit supervision of business registered within the zone.


[1]Best Location for Startups in China - Shanghai FTZ
[2]Startups and Shanghai FTZ - Negative List
[3]Ministry of Commerce PRC (MOFCOM) - Laws & Regulations
[4]Shanghai FTZ starts offering registration services
[5]HSBC, BEA win approval to open outlets in Shanghai FTZ
[6]Free trade zone trial for e-commerce site
[7]Simplicity in FTZ proves a boon
[8]China May Allow Foreign Firms to Sell Shares in Free-Trade Zone
[9]Framework Plan for the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
Mon, 14 Oct 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/09/cloudstack___the_dark_horse_of_cloud_platforms.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/09/cloudstack___the_dark_horse_of_cloud_platforms.html <![CDATA[CloudStack - The Dark Horse of Cloud Platforms Releases 4.2.0]]> CloudStack - The Dark Horse of Cloud Platforms Releases 4.2.0 Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Free Trade Zone

Recently I have been working extensively with various cloud platforms and with CloudStack in particular. Clouds pique my interest lately since there is so much potential for innovation in various areas. Also slowly it is becoming the basic foundation for modern scalable software and systems. You talk of Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple; icons of modern systems and softwares; and find all are involved in improving various aspects of cloud platform. You can see the innovation happening via open datacenter platform like OpenCompute or in server platforms like SeaMicro, or in operating systems like CoreOS or cloud platforms like OpenStack, CloudStack, oVirt and many more. Still all of these just the beginning and there are many more innovations and breakthrough needs to happen.

I was personally evaluating some of this cloud platforms for one of my side projects, I have been working on in my spare time. During my evaluation, to my surprise I found, CloudStack as one of the dark horses of cloud platforms race. Although all the media attention and hype is around OpenStack and Amazon. Recently Apache CloudStack released version 4.2.0. In this article I will briefly discuss about CloudStack and in particular about new features in version 4.2.0, which is the second major release since CloudStack became top level project of Apache Foundation (ASF) -.

Brief Overview of CloudStack

Apache CloudStack is a top-level project of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). The project develops open source software for deploying public and private Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds. CloudStack provides an open and flexible cloud orchestration platform to deliver reliable and scalable private and public clouds.

Features and Functionality

Apache CloudStack is a Java-based project that provides a management server and agents (if needed) for hypervisor hosts so that you can run an IaaS cloud. Some, but not all, of the features and functionality provided by CloudStack:

  • Works with hosts running XenServer/XCP, KVM, and/or VMware ESXi with vSphere
  • Provides a friendly Web-based UI for managing the cloud
  • Provides a native API
  • May provide an Amazon S3/EC2 compatible API (optional)
  • Manages storage for instances running on the hypervisors (primary storage) as well as templates, snapshots, and ISO images (secondary storage)
  • Orchestrates network services from the data link layer (L2) to some application layer (L7) services, such as DHCP, NAT, firewall, VPN, and so on
  • Accounting of network, compute, and storage resources
  • Multi-tenancy/account separation
  • User management

In short, organizations can use Apache CloudStack to deploy a full-featured public or private IaaS cloud.

I used the word dark horse for CloudStack, since personally I deployed the cloud with 3 servers within 8 hours on Ubuntu, which included time for building the debian packages from source. Also the user interface and various tools to manage the cloud infrastructure are polished, professional, tested and can compete with available commercial offerings from VMWare, IBM, HP or any tier 1 vendor with an added advantage of having the freedom to tinker with source code to suite one’s reqruirements.

Indeed personally I am more working on Python and Google Go language lately and in spite of OpenStack being written using Python, I found CloudStack to be easier to work with which is a surprise in itself. Sometimes it does make sense to build a coherent framework. OpenStack has too many cooks currently and requires significant efforts to fit the pieces together. This is due to necessity of differentiation among vendors who are part of OpenStack Consortium with competing interest. This results in code contributions which makes the overall framework incoherent. Also OpenStack lacks Apache Foundation, FreeBSD culture or a benevolent dictator for life like Linus or Guido Van Rossum. So until such changes happen in OpenStack I believe CloudStack has better chance of being the front runner in long run.

Also one thing which really stands out in CloudStack, compared to other platforms is documentation. As mentioned earlier my current interests are in Python, Django, Google Go language, which put a lot of emphasis on good and relevant documentation. I find CloudStack documentation to be of similar quality and if you go through the developer mailing list of CloudStack you will notice 4.2.0 release was postponed due to incomplete documentation, which is a sign that the community involved in development also cares about good documentation. I believe for people to use platform effectively good, relevant and to the point documentation is a pre-requisite, you cannot expect people to just rely on books published in the market.

Release 4.2.0 New Notable Features [1]

The 4.2.0 release of CloudStack, the second major release from the Apache CloudStack project since its graduation from the Apache Incubator. CloudStack 4.2 includes more than 70 new features and enhancements. The focus of the release is on three major areas:

  • Improved support for both legacy-style and cloud-style workloads
  • New third-party plug-in architecture
  • Networking enhancements

Besides this the other 2 areas of enhancement are:

  • Host and Virtual Machine Enhancements
  • Monitoring, Maintenance, and Operations Enhancements

For me personally the major enhancements which stands out are in following specific areas and I will also point out one area where its not being enhanced and hopefully someone will work on them in future release soon:

Interesting Enhancements

  • Enhanced BareMetal Support I have been personally waiting for the updates on this area since cloud is not equal to virtualization. For me cloud always has similar model as electricity where you provide compute, storage, networking resource on demand with pay per use model. For me this means if customers workload requires a combination of baremetal, virtual machine or a OS container (LXC, OpenVZ or Solaris Zones), a cloud orchestration platform should be able to provision and manage them. Based on my analysis none of the existing cloud platforms have achieved it. So any additions in this area is interesting.

    1. Kickstart Installation for Bare Metal Provisioning CloudStack 4.2.0 supports the kick start installation method for RPM-based Linux operating systems on baremetal hosts in basic zones. Users can provision a baremetal host managed by CloudStack as long as the kick start file and corresponding OS installation ISO is ready.
    2. Enhanced Bare Metal Support on Cisco UCS CloudStack can now automatically understand the UCS environment, server profiles to make it easy to deploy a bare metal OS on a Cisco UCS.
  • Snaphotting, Backups, Cloning and System VMs for RBD Primary Storage Since in my personal enviroment I plan to use Ceph as distributed storage, this new addition helps me to remove NFS completely and use CEPH for both primary RBD and secondary object storage. It makes again managing cloud easier with less moving parts. You can find more information at Ceph for CloudStack.

  • Enhanced support for Software Defined Networking (SDN) This is the latest buzz word in the networking industry. Cloud platforms have achieved significant progress in compute, storage and now networking. In CloudStack 4.2.0 there has been significant enhancement in SDN, Virtual Router and BigSwitch integration. Also Midonet from Midokura is included. Although this is not as comprehensive as Neutron of OpenStack I feel its step closer to similar functionality. Hopefully in future more enhancement and support will help in creative cloud deployment models.

Interesting Enhancement Not Done or Not in Future Roadmap

  • Support for LXC (Linux Containers), OpenVZ and Solaris containers I was hoping 4.2.0 will contain some significant enhancement in virtual containers and integration. I was specially interested in LXC containers and integrating Docker with CloudStack. But since this was not a priority no major enhancement happened in this area. Hopefully if one day I have a big enough budget or financially capable will sponsor the development of those features or someone will have similar needs as me and work on it.
  • Integration with Ubuntu Juju and MAAS It will be interesting if Ubuntu Juju and MAAS can be integrated seemlessly with CloudStack.
  • Integration with The Foreman Hopefully someone can integrate The Foreman with CloudStack via plugin like its done in oVirt
  • Integration with Shinken Monitoring Shinken Monitoring is a modern replacement of Nagios with scalability in mind. If someone can integrate it with Admin, Domain and Cloud User portal of CloudStack via plugins will be a great addition and besides simple monitoring all the nagios plugins can be used on hosts and clients to monitor. This is on my personal wishlist of enhancement for CloudStack.
  • Some simple billing plugin Currently there is no opensource simple metering and billing plugin for CloudStack using cloud_usage data. Since I wanted to test the cloud-usage for CloudStack I have to write my own scripts. If someone can provide an opensource plugin which can integrate with CloudPortal will be great and make this platform very enticing for companies who wants to meter the usage and provide billing to internal departments or for cloud providers to provide simple billing to its clients.

This is my personal coverage of CloudStack release 4.2.0. Obviously you can check the full Release Notes for more details and enhancements and bug fixes interesting for you. Also if you haven’t tried or heard of CloudStack then now is the time to give it a try.


[1]CloudStack 4.2.0 Full Release Announcement and Notes
Wed, 09 Oct 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/09/startups_and_shanghai_free_trade_zone.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/10/09/startups_and_shanghai_free_trade_zone.html <![CDATA[Startups and Shanghai FTZ - Negative List]]>

Startups and Shanghai FTZ - Negative List

Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Free Trade Zone

In my previous article Best Location for Startups in China - Shanghai FTZ I talked about Startups and Shanghai FTZ. When I wrote that article my view were too optimistic about the openness of the FTZ. But next day right before the golden week, Shanghai government released the negative list [1]. It turned out to be more restrictive than anticipated. In this article I will talk briefly about the negative list and its impact on Startups in Shanghai FTZ.

Since this is the first pilot FTZ in China and various ministery and state council are still fine tuning and debating its policy, hopefully it will be less restrictive in subsequent revisions. Currently Shanghai FTZ has miles to go before it can be at par with Hong Kong and Singapore. So if you are planning your Startups’ target market to be Asia besides China, I will still suggest to do Startups in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea or Japan. Since these are the only places in Asia with best policy framework and infrastructure for Startups. But if your target market happens to be China, then definitely I feel Shanghai FTZ is still the best place. I hope the future FTZ like QianHai and others might specifically target Startups and provide an open platform for innovation with a mix of right policy framework, infrastrcuture and cultural environment. So obviously I will take back my earlier assertion Shanghai FTZ will be at par or better than Hong Kong and Singapore.

If you look closely at the negative list, except for minor revision, is similar to the list restricting access to various sectors in China for foreign investments. Also its rather long list running into 10 pages for a FTZ which is only 29 square kilometers in size. This might be due to different internal priorities and unclarity on the impact of FTZ between state council and various ministry. Still the good news is, for the non-restricted sectors, it becomes much easier. It only needs registration and budding enterpreneur can get rid of complicated WOFE, FICE, Representative office, VIE (Variable Interest Entity) route for foreign investments, saving valuable time, money and efforts. The negative list [1] covers 1,069 sectors across 18 broad categories of industry and contains 190 special regulatory measures. Some of the sectors are highlighted below:

  1. Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Industries
  2. Mining Industry
  3. Manufacturing Industry
  4. Production and Supply Industries for Power, Gas and Water
  5. Construction Industry
  6. Wholesale and Retail Industries
  7. Transportation, Warehousing and Postal Service Industries
  8. Information Transmission, Computer Service and Software Industries
  9. Finance Industry
  10. Real Estate Industry
  11. Leasing and Commercial Service Industries
  12. Scientific Research and Technical Service Industries
  13. Water Conservancy,
  14. Environmental, and Public Facilities Management Industries
  15. Education Industry Health and Social Industries
  16. Cultural, Sports and Entertainment Industries

The service sectors which impacts Startups most is related to restrictions on internet and information technology which is the core of modern industries. Startups cannot be competitive unless restrictions on investment and innovation in this sector are completely removed. Following are the measures within that specific category of negative list impacting Startups:

Restriction on Information Transmission, Computer Service and Software Industries

  1. Foreign Investment in eCommerce shall not exceed 55%
    This is a very good news indeed compared to current regulation outside the Shanghai FTZ. Since outside FTZ its almost impossible for foreign firms to get ICP License (category 2) and start a legal eCommerce business in China, unless they go through a join venture or via VIE route or manufacturer of products for which they hold a retail license. Its also a very good news for local enterpreneurs since they can start eCommerce business from Shaghai FTZ without lengthy approval process and company formations. Also they can tap angel, private and venture capital investments.
  2. Foreign Investment in Data Processing and Online Transaction processing shall not exceed 50%.
    This is also a very good news since currently online transaction processing is completely off-limits to foriegn investment outside FTZ. Also this means for local enterpreneurs it has similar benefits as above.
  3. Foreign Investment in IP-VPN services shall not exceed 50%
    This is a good news for StartUps who target China for launching innovative IP-VPN services based on TCP/IP protocol. Since outside Shanghai FTZ its off-limits for foreign investment.
  4. Foreign Investment in Mobile App Store shall not exceed 50%
    This is a good news as well for StartUps who wants to build a service similar to google play in China for Mobile and Table software applications. Outside FTZ its prohibited for foreign investment.
  5. Investment is prohibited in Internet Data Center Services Industry.
    This is really bad news for Startups. This effectively means companies and startups who work in areas which requires large Internet Data Centers still needs to seek approval from the government. This is similar to existing regulation outside the FTZ. This includes web hosting, server rentals, telecommunication, ip network and other basic computing services necessary to build the basic foundation for innovative software and technology Startups. This is off-limits for foreign investment and for local requires a very lengthy approval process, which requires significant energy, upfront capital; unless you bypass or use guanxi or some clever arrangement. This effectively means Startups are at the mercy of the large telecom companies and need to find creative ways for a work around and waste energy rather then spending it on building something innovative helping society. Unless the target market is China, it doesn’t make any sense to build a StartUps in this area unless you are local enterpreneur.
  6. Prohibited Online Game Services
    This is a bad news for StartUps who wants to build next Zygna or PopCap in China. So if you plan on doing anything with gaming there is no incentive in Shanghai FTZ, you are better off building it in Software Technology Parks which might offer you better incentives.


Although the negative list is rather long, its a mixed bag of good and bad news for Startups to setup in Shanghai FTZ. But definitely Shanghai FTZ is still the best location for StartUps in China, if the target market is China. Also it will take time for the state council and various ministry to clarify and fine tune the policies for FTZ. As it is said “Well begun is half done”, I still believe State Council under Li KeQiang took the right steps for the transition of China’s economy by launching a pilot free trade zone in Shanghai. So the work is already half done and we need to wait for few more years to see the next half. If some of the readers who stumble across this article have some opinion to share, make suggestions or improvement please let me know. Hope someone find this information useful.


[1](1, 2) Shanghai Free Trade Zone - The Negative List
Wed, 09 Oct 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/09/29/best_location_for_startups_in_china__Shanghai_ftz.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/09/29/best_location_for_startups_in_china__Shanghai_ftz.html <![CDATA[Best Location For Startups in China - Shanghai FTZ]]>

Best Location For Startups in China - Shanghai FTZ

Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Free Trade Zone

There has been a lot of buzz and news on Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ). But majority of the news is focused on Financial Reforms, Logistics and other large business connected to multi-nationals. But if you are living in China like me for a long time you would realize that if Shanghai Free Trade Zone offers the benefits as outlined in the first regulatory draft, it might pave the way for Shanghai to be a leading innovation center for doing Startups in China. It will enable young innovative brains to get away from regulatory and legal hoops and concentrate on building something great to help humanity. In this article I try to look at FTZ from startup perspective besides covering the overall regulatory draft.

Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) - First Regulatory Draft [1]

Shanghai Government with support from China Central Government unveiled the first draft of regulation governing the Free Trade Zone (hereafter called FTZ) on 27th September 2013. This FTZ is considered as second biggest change in China after the opening up of Chinese economy by Deng Xiao Ping in 1990’s by establishing Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. It marks the trasition of Chinese economy from world’s factory into a developed economy driven by consumptions and services with free market economy. This will serve as a blueprint for Chinese government for transition of China to free market economy. Only time will tell how its going to shape China and its development, but definitely by bypassing the local ministry and their entrenched interest the Central Government of China has indicated its willingness to reform and change the course of Chinese economy.

Personally I have been waiting for this reforms eagerly, since some of its regulations takes away the barriers in China for doing Startups especially in information technology and internet area. If Shanghai Government can target innovative startups to come and setup in FTZ, it might as well become similar to silicon valley in US, a Mecca of startups in China. This will obviously needs some minor reforms on the China immigration, but at least for local startups already in China, these changes might bring them closer to the environment offered in South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore. This offers 2 main advantages to early startups:

  1. Instead of setting up shops in Hong Kong, Singapore for China, its better to come inside the second largest economy providing large user base.
  2. Significant cost advantages with more preferential policies they might get in Hong Kong or Singapore.

Following are some of the key areas which will help startups in FTZ:

  1. No approval required to start a business, just registration is enough. Takes away the burden of going through approval process. Its a key for young startups where founders are more interested in implementing innovative ideas instead of going through regulatory hoops.

    Starting from October 1, 2013, 11 administrative examination and approval items regulated under the following three laws will be suspended in the Shanghai FTZ on a three-year trial basis.

    • The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises.
    • The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures.
    • The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures.

    In addition, in order to better promote investment into the Shanghai FTZ, the Plan also allows enterprises or individual shareholders registered in the Shanghai FTZ to pay income tax in installments within a five-year period for value-added assets arising from asset restructuring.

  2. Capital market reforms and free yuan conversion. This brings FTZ closer to developed economy like Hong Kong and Singapore where angel, private investors and venture capital firms can easily inject money in promising startups with legal protection. They do not need to adopt creative structures through contractual controls, like they did with alibaba and other local firms where they are not adequately protected and take significant risks.

  3. Innovative Information Technology and Internet services business can be started in the FTZ without lengthy approval processes. Obviously as most startups use information technology as their backbone for scalalble innovative services its key that this sector is free from redtap. This is exactly what FTZ offers.

  4. Negative list approach for foreign investment. This actually supports the angel, private and venture capital investment companies which will help spur the growth of promising startups.

Below is the translation of the first regulatory draft [1]:

General Guideline

In the first section besides discussing the General Requirement related to ideology, overall goal contains a scope which provides the geographical scope of the reforms:

Geographical Scope

Shanghai FTZ covers an area of 28.78 square kilometers, and consists of the four following existing bonded zones:

  • Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone.
  • Waigaoqiao Free Trade Logistics Park.
  • Pudong Airport Comprehensive Free Trade Zone.
  • Yangshan Free Trade Port Area.

This area will be gradually extended to whole of Pudong which is approximately 1240 square kilometer area and later extended to the whole country based on the outcome. You can download the images of FTZ areas WaiGaoQiao and Pudong Airport and Yangshan Port.

Major Tasks and Measures

This sections defines the 18 services and sectors, the Shanghai FTZ will offer easier investment access to both foreign and domestic capital and further open up. Below are the details of the services and sectors covered in Shanghai FTZ:

Financial Services

1. Banking Services

  • Allowing qualified foreign finance organizations to set up foreign banks in the Shanghai FTZ and permitting qualified private capital and foreign finance institutions to set up joint venture banks.
  • Allowing qualified Chinese banks to conduct offshore business in the Shanghai FTZ.

2. Professional Healthcare and Medical Insurance

  • Allowing wholly foreign-owned professional healthcare medical insurance organizations to be established in the Shanghai FTZ.

3. Financial Leasing

  • Cancelling the minimum capital requirements for the establishment of single aircraft or single vessel company subsidiaries in the Shanghai FTZ by financial leasing companies
  • Allowing financial leasing companies to concurrently operate factoring businesses that are associated with their primary business

Shipping Services

4. Ocean Cargo Transportation

  • Relaxing the restriction over the proportion of foreign equities in joint venture international shipping enterprises

5. International ship management

  • Allowing wholly foreign-owned shipping management enterprises to be established in the Shanghai FTZ

Trade and Commerce Services

6. Value-added telecommunications

  • Allowing foreign enterprises to run certain designated telecommunication businesses in the Shanghai FTZ

7. Selling and servicing of gaming consoles

  • Allowing foreign enterprises to produce and sell gaming consoles in the Shanghai FTZ

Professional Services

8. Legal services

  • Exploring mechanisms to enhance cooperation between mainland Chinese law firms and foreign law firms

9. Credit investigation services

  • Allowing foreign investigation enterprises to be established in the Shanghai FTZ

10. Travel agency

  • Allowing Sino-foreign joint venture travel agencies registered in the Shanghai FTZ to provide overseas travel services (with the exception of Taiwan)

11. Human resource agencies

  • Allowing Sino-foreign joint venture human resource agencies to be established in the Shanghai FTZ (provided that the foreign shares thereof do not exceed 70 percent of the total shares)
  • Hong Kong and Macau service provides are allowed to establish wholly self-owned human resource agencies
  • Reducing the minimum registered capital for foreign human resource agencies from US$300,000 to US$125,000

12. Investment management

  • Allowing joint stock foreign investment companies to be established in the Shanghai FTZ

13. Engineering design

  • Cancelling the engineering design performance requirement for foreign engineering design enterprises (excluding engineering investigation enterprises) in the Shanghai FTZ when applying for the qualification to provide services in Shanghai for the first time

14. Construction services

  • Cancelling the equity caps for Sino-foreign construction projects in Shanghai taken over by wholly foreign-owned construction enterprises established in the Shanghai FTZ

Cultural Services

15. Performance brokerage

  • Cancelling the equity caps for foreign performance agencies and allowing wholly foreign-owned performance agencies to be established in the Shanghai FTZ

16. Entertainment venues

  • Allowing wholly foreign-owned entertainment venues to be established in the Shanghai FTZ

Social Services

17. Educational and vocational training

  • Allowing Sino-foreign education and vocational training organizations to be established in the Shanghai FTZ

18. Medical service

  • Allowing wholly foreign-owned healthcare organizations to be established in the Shanghai FTZ

Opening-up of the Financial Services Sector

Since Central Government wants Shanghai to be one of the leading financial center like New York, London and Hong Kong. According to the plan, Shanghai FTZ will implement the following measures for opening up of the financial services sectors:

  • Shanghai FTZ will start trial programs of RMB convertibility under the capital account, market-oriented interest rates, and cross-border RMB transactions.
  • Shanghai FTZ will facilitate market-oriented pricing of financial institution assets.
  • Shanghai FTZ will pilot a new mechanism for the management of foreign exchange to facilitate trade investment.
  • Shanghai FTZ will encourage enterprises to take advantage of both onshore and offshore markets.
  • Shanghai FTZ will deepen foreign debt management reform to facilitate cross-border financing.
  • Shanghai FTZ will encourage multinationals to establish regional or global capital management centers within the zone.

Gradually Shanghi FTZ will allow WOFE (Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprises) to do commodity futures trading and open up future delivery warehouse in FTZ.


Although the main purpose of Shanghai Free Trade Zone is to understand and create a blueprint for broader reforms in China’s financial and services sector and implementing free market economy. It also on the other side boost innovation by creating an environment for young enterpreneurs from China and around the world to do innovative startups in China. If Shanghai can play it cards carefully and remove the barriers as envisioned in the buzz around FTZ, it might as well become the Silicon Valley of Asia due to the size of Chinese economy.

Hopefully someone in Central or Shanghai government can take a notice and use this opportunity to build a sustainable ecosystems of angel, private investors and venture capital industry in China to boost the Startup eco-system. As proven by Silicon Valley by creating apple, google, hopefully Shanghai FTZ can create global success similar in scale to google.

The key here is to allow this Startup to get unfiltered access to information from around the world and support them with legal and financial policies to create next big thing.


[1](1, 2) Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone Regulatory Draft
Sun, 29 Sep 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/08/01/where_the_mind_is_without_fever.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/08/01/where_the_mind_is_without_fever.html <![CDATA[Where the Mind is Without Fever]]> Where the Mind is Without Fever Rabindra Nath Tagore & Albert Eintstein Aug, 1941

From childhood I had a dream to see a single unified world without national boundaries and recently influenced by some of the works of Rabindra Nath Tagore. What I found is that irrespective of the country (which in itself is man made notion to segregate humanity into different groups), most places teach nationalism and patriotism since childhood. So it becomes difficult to think like a global citizen, being grown up with the notion of country and nationality. We need to make conscious efforts to make ourself accept the idea of global citizen and being a human first before nationalism or patriotism.

One of the works of Rabindra Nath Tagore which particularly influenced me is Nationalism. This can be downloaded in PDF or ePUB formats.

One of his famous quote on Patriotism is:

“Patriotism cannot be our final spiritual shelter; my refuge is humanity. I will not buy glass for the price of diamonds, and I will never allow patriotism to triumph over humanity as long as I live.”

One of the poems which always influenced me when I think about Freedom is:

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high.
Where knowledge is free.
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments.
By narrow domestic walls.
Where words come out from the depth of truth.
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection.
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way.
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit.
Where the mind is led forward by thee.
Into ever-widening thought and action.
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

I am still looking forward to one day when all the man made geographical boundaries of country, national and patriotism is vanished by humanity. We all will be global citizens of this wonderful universe.

Thu, 01 Aug 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/07/26/online_and_offline_integration_in_retail_and_consumer_brands_industry.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/07/26/online_and_offline_integration_in_retail_and_consumer_brands_industry.html <![CDATA[Online and Offline Integration for Retail: Buy Online Pick Up In Store (BOPS)]]> Online and Offline Integration for Retail: Buy Online Pick Up In Store (BOPS)

In the previous article I discussed about Internet and eCommerce Trends in China and in second one discussed about eCommerce Services Market Size in China, in this article I will explore Integration of Online and Offline Channels in Retail: Impact of Buy Online and Pick Offline on Sales (also known as BOPS). I am always interested in research and analysis in the integration of online and offline in retail. This helps me in my strategy work for solution and services portfolio, which directly address the challenges faced by traditional retail and consumer brands for transition from pure offline and online operations to an integrated online-offline operations. Also this seems to the future direction of retail.

  • In-store Sales Increase 3.6%
  • Online Sales Decrease 1.8%

Yesterday (i.e. 23 rd July 2013) I was intrigued by research work [1], which shows a very interesting conundrum. Contrary to expectations the implementation of Buy-Online-Pick-Offline (BOPO) resulted in reduction in online sales and an increase in in-store sales and traffic. This prompted me to write this article to share with others my point of view on this.


Online retail is growing steadily with double digit growth rates worldwide with the ubiquity of internet and proliferation of computing devices like laptops, desktops, smartphones and tablets. In some cases online retailers start to cannibalize the sales from traditional offline retailers like the case of Amazon affecting BestBuy. Current internet trends and consumer behaviour is forcing traditional retail and consumer brands to embrace digital transformation and launch online retail. Originally most traditional retail and consumer brands decided to separate the operations of traditional and online channels. Now some of them are exploring integration strategies for their online and traditional offline channels (called multichannel retailing [2]). Retail and consumer brands are adopting multichannel retailing to:

  1. Gain access to new markets - The market for store-based retailers is typically limited to the local trading areas of their stores. Thus, adding non-store channels (e.g. Interne, catalogs, mobile phones) enables retailers with limited locations to exploit economies of scope by expanding their markets without building additional stores. With the rapid growth ofonline retail, most consumers will become multichannel shoppers eventually, which means that segmentation based on channel choice may not be very useful in the future.
  2. Increase Customer satisfaction and loyalty - Multichannel retailers can better satisfy their customers’ needs by exploiting the benefits and overcoming the deficiencies of each channel. Moreover multichannel customers on average spend more and have a higher lifetime value (LTV) than single-channel consumers [4].
  3. Create a strategic advantage - By developing resources that are not easily detected or duplicated by competitors like propriety customer information and tacit knowledge for providing a seamless customer interface. Also this helps in reducing costs and increasing revenues.

In advanced economy like USA more then 80% of retail and consumer brands sell merchandise through multiple channels. In China still most traditional retail and consumer brands do not have or in process of having multichannel retailing. Integration between online and offline channel varies widely among retail and consumer brands. For example most traditional retail and consumer brands often show in-store inventory availability information online and most consumers can do research online and buy offline (ROPO). Advanced configuration includes shipping the product ordered from the store closest to its detination, or offering the option to buy products online and pick them up in the store, or offering to return a product bought online in the store, or order in store and ship to home.

In most of the advanced economy like USA, Western Europe many large traditional retail and consumer brands offer Buy Online Pick Up in Store (BOPS). The retailer during online shopping process shows the locations at which the item is available, and gives customers the option to close the transation online and then pick up the product at one of the locations. Usually the item is ready to be picked up at location within 2 hours, some retailers might take longer but this is the mean average for BOPS functionality to have an impact.

Impact of BOPS

Based on the research done on this subject [1]. Following is the impact of BOPS:

Impact on Online Retail

  • Online Traffic Increased from the areas near the store where BOPS is implemented.
  • Shopping Cart abandon rate increased from the areas near the BOPS store.
  • Online sales decreased overall. Analysis based on the geographic origin of sales indicate online sales decrease from the areas near the store where BOPS is available. Sales from the areas far away from BOPS store did not change.

The results of analysis done during the research go against the conventional wisdom, which suggest that online sales should increase after the BOPS implementation, since customer have more options for delivery and pick-up.

Impact on Offline Retail

  • Sales increase in store offering BOPS.
  • Sales remained relatively same for the store not offering BOPS.
  • Foot Traffic increase in store offering BOPS.
  • Foot Traffic remainined relatively same

The analysis of BOPS impact on online-offline integration strategy shows that, contrary to conventional wisdom, online sales do not always increase with the implementation of the BOPS functionality. Indeed it resulted on lower online sales, higher store sales and higher store traffic. Also increase in offline sales not just compensates for decrease in online sales but gives an overall increase in the sales. One of the consequences of the increase in online activity in retail is the availability of richer data that can be used to evaluate the impact of operational interventions and to discover relationships beween different operational aspects of the business. But the available data is often channel dependent. Incentives for managaers are also often channel dependent. But the analysis shows that decisions affecting one channel should be evaluated holistically across all the channels. Evaluating the impact of online-offline integration strategies (i.e. multichannel retail startegy) requires a holistic view of company operations, since an intervention that might be detrimental in one channel can yield substantial benefits in the other channels. So evaluation actions in multichannel retail require closed the loop analysis and the impact needs to be evaluated in a holistic manner across all channels. This study results might depend substantially on the type of the products or specific industry of retail and consumer brands. The study is conducted on products which have an experimental component and shopping in the store is a pleasant experience. For highly standardized products, or for products which lead to a less pleasant store experience it is possibe that BOPS implementation does not result in such a substantial shift from online channel to the offline store channel.

Randomized field experiments are needed to clearly identify the impact of multichannel retail strategies implementation. If randomized field experiments ae not possible than retail and consumer brands need to develop a framework which evaluates online and offline channel strategies in a holistic view measuring the overall impact on the organization and just confine to single channel.


[1](1, 2) Integration of Online and Offline Channels in Retail: The Impact of Sharing Reliable Inventory Availability Information
[2]Crafting Integrated Multichannel Retailing Strategies
[3]Optimality of Four-Threshold Policies in Inventory Systems with Customer Returns and Borrowing/Storage Options
[4]Challenges and Opportunities in Multichannel Management
Fri, 26 Jul 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/07/19/ecommerce_service_s_market_size_in_china.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/07/19/ecommerce_service_s_market_size_in_china.html <![CDATA[eCommerce Service’s Market Size in China]]>

eCommerce Service’s Market Size in China

eCommerce Services Market in China is 237.8 billion ¥ in 2012

My first article was about Internet and eCommerce Trends in China, in this article I will try to write about the emerging Third Party eCommerce Service Providers Market Size in China. Since my current company is one of the leading eCommerce services provider in China, it was very important to really gauge the size of 3rd party eCommerce service providers market in China. Initially what seemed easy, turned out to be very difficult. Given the myriad of options and ways retail and consumer brands in China were approaching eCommerce, there is no clear way to estimate the size. There were very few reports and most of them were not based on solid data or research (mostly estimations on limited surveys). If someone is interested they can refer to one such report from Mckinsey China’s e-tail revolution [1], and refer to page 18 and 19. Partially the unavailability of research and solid data motivated me to write this article and share my way to estimate the size of the market. Hopefully the readers of this article may provide me with active feedback on how to improve it or point me to solid methodology, research or data.


China is one the fastest growing eCommerce market in the world [2] and for successfully running a B2C eCommerce operations in China, traditional retail and consumer brands (which already have experince in offline commerce in China) needs additional expertise in:

  • Softwares and IT systems - which powers their ecommerce site, 3rd party market, digital marketing, customer services, logistics and supply chain management, online payment services, finances etc.
  • Operational expertise in Supply Chain Management, Warehousing, Logistics and Reverse Logistics which helps in managing pick, pack, dispatch, delivery, returns management. Also optionally helps in Vendor Managed Inventory, Drop Shipments, Convenience Store, Corner Stores or Self Store for Pickups and returns. This is in additiona to their expertise in storage, bulk transport and cross-docking they use for their traditional offline store fullfilment.
  • Digital Marketing - Using internet and digital media for marketing, campaigns and brand awareness. This expertise can also complement their offline retail operations. Additionally for eCommerce they will need expertise to drive traffic and sales using process and tools for Search Engine, SEO, 3rd Party Aggregators, Price Comparison sites etc.
  • Finance and 3rd Party Payment Process - Since online commerce require additional financial process for revenue, payment, reconciliation, profits, returns etc. Like in offline commerce when customer purchase goods in store, they can directly be recognized as revenue, since the goods are already delivered to customer. But in case of eCommerce different companies have different process, some recognize revenue as soon as the goods are given for delivery, some recognize it as soon as the payment is received, some recognize it once the customer receives the goods and they have received the notification from delivery system (either run by themselves or 3rd party).
  • Customer Services - eCommerce puts additional burden on managing a good customer services. Also good customer services is one of the key success factors for any decent eCommerce operations. Given the Internet users in China use mostly Instant Messaging, Weibo besides phone. Traditional retail and consumer brands either needs to build this capacity or use some third party provider for it.

Given the current state of development and availability of human resources in this areas of expertise in China, it might look daunting for traditional retail and consumer brands to start eCommerce operations in China. So many of these traditional retail and consumer brands started, by outsourcing part of these expertise to one or multiple Third Party Service providers in China. This led to proliferation of such service providers with varied level of expertise and service offerings to flourish in China. This in turn created a new business segment called “Third Party eCommerce Services” in China. One of the main driver for this market is also Alibaba with its Tmall and JinDong (formerly 360buy.com).

Explosive growth of eCommerce in 2010-2012 resulted in explosive growth of such providers in China. But as the market mature and more and more traditional retail and consumer brands starts building their expertise, such providers are under heavy margin pressure. In order to survive they need to constantly innovate and bring down the costs by building new softare and IT systems and add value to the eCommerce Services offered to retail and consumer brands.

Overview of eCommerce Services Market in China

eCommerce Service Providers Overview in China

Areas of eCommerce Services in China

Third Party eCommerce Services market consists of service offering in following areas:

  • Software and IT Systems - Example provider includes:
    • Traditional Systems Integrator like Accenture, arvato systems and their software and technology partners like IBM, hybris, Magento etc.
    • Third Party marketplace provider like JinDong (formerly 360buy.com), Taobao, Tmall, eBay etc.
    • Specialized Software provider for eCommerce connecting specialized service providers and their services together like arvato systems aroma, ShopEx etc.
    • Most Traditional Retail and Consumer Brands outsource it in build phase and some during operations phase
  • Digital Marketing - Examples provider includes:
    • Traditional Marketing Agencies like WPP, Ogilvy and others which have specialized division for digital marketing.
    • Companies providing specialized platform for digital marketing like Google, Baidu, Weibo, Tencent etc.
    • Companies providing specialized software for digital marketing like Adobe, IBM.
  • Finace and Third Party Payment - Example provider include:
    • Traditional Payment Provider like AliPay, TenPay, YeePay, UnionPay, Banks like CMB, ICBCetc.
    • Fraud detection and payment reconciliation provider like arvato, Cybersource.
  • Fulfillment (Logistics, SCM & Delivery) - Example provider include:
    • Companies like SF Express, Yunda, ST (ShenTong) Express, UPS, FedEx, DHL etc.
    • Companies like arvato, BaoZun, JinDong (formerly 360buy.com).
  • Customer Services - Examples provider include:
    • Companies like arvato, BaoZun, PCCW, 360Buy.com, Accenture etc.
    • Companies providing specialized software for Customer Services like Live800, Oracle Siebel etc.

Due to intense competition in Third Party eCommerce Services business segment most providers try to increase their revenue streams by trying to provide integrated eCommerce services either by building their own integrated stack or partnering with specialized providers. For example arvato is trying to build their own integrated eCommerce Services stack and on the other hand Accenture is providing integrated eCommerce Services by partnering with JinDong with its customer services, logistics, payments and platform, combined with their own Software & IT and Digital Marketing Services.

Third Party eCommerce Service Market Size

Based on the above chart and the myriad of options and services under the umbrella of “eCommerce Services”, make it difficult to estimate the size. My methodology for calculation of Market size is based on projected B2C ecommerce market revenue. So to come up with the market size first analyzed the spending by Traditional Retail and Consumer Brands with following assumptions:

  • Most of the traditional retail and consumer brands who are engaged or wants to engage go through buid phase and operations phase and for the market size determination its assumed that at any given time 10%-15% organization are going through build phase and remaining through operations phase. Since the percent weight for each area of expertise for service providers vary depending on the phase. So I take average 12.5% in build phase.
  • Digital marketing in eCommerce is classified as Customer Acquisition Cost - In build phase retail and consumer brands are willing to spend 7.5% of order value and for operations phase pay approximately 2.5% of order value according to digital marketing by gartner [3]. According to Amazon 10-K [4] filings they spend net 3.8% of their revenue for marketing in 2012. So for our estimation purpose we take 7.5% for build phase and 3.15% for operations phase.
  • Usually in China for third party payment providers charge between 0.5% to 1.2% and for reconciliation and other financial services it may additionally increase to 1.5%-2% of the order value. For the purpose of estimation we will use 1.75%.
  • Fulfillment (Logistics, SCM and Delivery)- most efficient estimates is around 10.2% of the total order value, so for estimation I will take 10.2%.
  • In order to provide a decent customer services and to retain the customers (since customer acquisition costs 2 to 3 times more then retention) the spending by retail and consumer brands should be 1.3-1.5% of the overall online B2C revenue. Since customer services is one of the key aspects of online retail, I tend to choose 1.5% of the total market size.
  • Since eCommerce is technology driven and requires extensive software and IT systems the overall share of technology spending is very high. So during the build phase the overall spending on Software and IT systems is around 10-12% and during operation is around 6.8% (based on estimates from Amazon 10-K [4] filing). So for the purpose of market size estimation I will use 11.5% during build phase and 6.8% during operations phase.

Based on the above assumptions the table below shows the spending by online retailers in different areas of expertise to support B2C sales volume of 1260 billion yuan in 2012.

B2C Market in 2012 [2] 1260 billion ¥
digital_marketing Digital Marketing (12.5%x7.5%x1260) + (87.5%x3.15%x1260)= 46.8 billion ¥
finance_payment Finance & Payments (1.75%x1260)= 22.1 billion ¥
logistics_scm Fulfillment (10.2%x1260)= 128.5 billion ¥
customer_service Customer Services (1.5%x1260)= 18.9 billion ¥
software_it Software & IT Systems
(12.5%x11.5%x1260) +
92.7 billiion ¥
Total Spending to Support B2C Market 308.8 billion ¥

So in order to manage a B2C market size of 1260 billion ¥, Traditional Retail and Consumer Goods needs to spend approximately 308.8 billion ¥. Based on this, following is the market for individual areas for eCommerce service providers:

  • digital_marketing Digital Marketing Size (based on Gartner Digital Marketing Spend Report [3]):

    Total Digital Marketing Size 46.8 billion ¥
    Online advertising (12.5%x46.8)= 6.1 billion ¥
    Content Creation and Marketing (11.6%x46.8)= 5.6 billion ¥
    Search Marketing (10.7%x46.8)= 5.2 billion ¥
    Design, Development and Maintenance of Corporate Website (10.7%x46.8)= 5.2 billion ¥
    Email Marketing (9.6%x46.8)= 4.7 billion ¥
    Analytics (9.5%x46.8)= 4.6 billion ¥
    Social Networks (9.4%x46.8)= 4.6 billion ¥
    Mobile Marketing (7.4%x46.8)= 3.6 billion ¥
    Commerce Experiences (7.2%x46.8)= 3.5 billion ¥
    Video Production (5.9%x46.8)= 2.9 billion ¥
    Company Blog (5.3%x46.8)= 2.6 billion ¥
    Others (0.2%x46.8)= 0.1 billion ¥
  • finance_payment Third Party Payment and Finance Market Size

    Total Payment & Finance Market Size 22.1 billion ¥
    Third Party Payment (95%x22.1)= 20.99 billion ¥
    Finance (5%x22.1)= 1.11 billion ¥
  • logistics_scm Fullfillment (Logistics, SCM and Delivery) Market Size (estimates based on [5]):

    Total Fulfillment Market Size 128.5 billion ¥
    Logistics & SCM (42%x128.5)= 53.97 billiion ¥
    Delivery (58%x128.5)= 74.53 billion ¥
  • customer_service Customer Service Market Size is 18.1 billion ¥.

  • software_it Since the total spend in Software and IT Systems powering B2C commerce is estimated at 92.7 billiion ¥. Since many of the retail and consumer brands spend portion of it on their existing technology teams and process, so majority of the spend is internal. Besides 95% of the online retailers are small to medium size companies, so the overall Market Size:

    Total Market Size of Software and IT Systems is 21.3 billion ¥
    SME Market (95%x20%x92.7)= 17.6 billiion ¥
    Traditional Large Retail and Consumer Brands Market (5%x80%x92.7)= 3.71 billiion ¥

So based on this estimates the overall Third Party eCommerce Service Market Size is (46.8+22.1+128.5+18.1+22.3)= 237.8 billion ¥.

But take it with caution, since many of the revenue % share can be dramatically different based on industry and also can be changed by advances in Software and IT Systems. Also not all of this spending will translate into outsourcing to Third Party eCommerce Service Provider, so actual market might be smaller then this. But I feel this estimation can provide a logical framework for others to determine the market size. Funny enough the market size based on this estimation is 18.9% of the total B2C volume, and also if you look at any typical online eCommerce retail like Amazon, JinDong, YiHaoDian you will notice their operating expense is similar between 18-23% for the above eCommerce Service Areas. In hindsight I should have just mapped Amazon 10K reports for 5 years and by finding the average operating expense % of sales revenue would have given the estimation of spending to support a given B2C volume.


[1]Mckinsey Insights and Publications China’s e-tail revolution (English) - (Chinese).
[2](1, 2) Internet and eCommerce Trends in China
[3](1, 2) Digital Marketing Spend - Gartner
[4](1, 2) Amazon SEC Filings
[5]China’s Logistics Challenges for eCommerce
[6]Glyph Icons used in article are licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 courtesy Austin Andrew WindowsIcons
Fri, 19 Jul 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/07/11/internet_and_ecommerce_trends_in_china.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/07/11/internet_and_ecommerce_trends_in_china.html <![CDATA[Internet and eCommerce Trends in China]]>

Internet and eCommerce Trends in China

Internet Users: 564 Million
Mobile Users: > 1 Billion

China is already home to largest number of internet and mobile users in the world. Soon it will also overtake the crown of largest eCommerce market in the world. As part of my job, I work on analysing broader trends in digital transformation and Internet in China; primarily to help my current company in defining roadmap and fine tuning business strategy for coming years. During the course of my research in analysing trends, many resources proved useful, and I thought its necessary to share some of the things I learned durign my work. So in keeping with the traditions of knowledge is power when shared, I started this series of articles to share some of my findings and insights. Hopefully some people may find this information useful. Hopefully I can also improve this article and my knowledge by feedback through comments.

This is the first article in this series in which I will discuss Internet and eCommerce trends in China.


Its 11:50 PM on 10th November 2013 and Lee MingSha, a 26 year old girl, is eagerly waiting for clock to turn 00:00. It will be a unique day in the year when both day and month are 11. This day is also called Double 11 in China and on this day most of the online retailers offer special discount and deals to celebrate singles day. As the clock turned 00:00, Lee MingSha went to the site of online retailers; where she already placed the items in the basket and start finishing the check-out process. Some went smooth and others need retry or updates. This day she spends more than she will spend in the entire year including Chinese New Year. Obviously most of the sales were driven by discounts and special offers, but it brings windfall of revenue not just for online retailers, but also for more then 217 Brands and traditional retailers participating in it.

Alibaba Sales on Double 11

Alibaba Double 11 Sales [1]

The combined sales of only Alibaba, which includes Tmall and Taobao, was RMB 19.2 billion (US$ 3.08 billion) more than the entire Cyber Monday in USA. Obviously it was not all cakewalk as there were periods of unstability on the online platforms due to unexpected surge of orders and traffic. This was a sudden wake up call for most of the traditional retailers and consumer brands, of changing digital and internet landscape in China. According to the latest report [2] from CNNIC:

  • By the end of December 2012, China added 50.9 million new Internet users to reach a total of 564 million. This represent a growth rate of 3.8% compared to 2011 and Internet Penetration of 42.1%.
  • By the end of December 2012, China added 64.2 million new Mobile Internet Users, reaching a total of 422 million Mobile Internet Users.
  • By the end of 2012, China added 19.6 million Rural Internet Users to reach 156 million, representing 27.6% of the total Internet users in China.
  • The ratio of Internet users (participating in Survey) using Desktop to access dropped to 70.3%, a drop of 3% compared to 2011. The ratio of Internet users using laptops dropped slightly to 45.9%, a drop of 0.9% compared to 2011. The ratio of Internet users using mobile phones rose to 74.5% from 69.3% in 2011.
  • China had a total of 13.41 million domain names, including 7.51 million “.CN” domain names and 283,484 “.中国” domain names.
  • The total number of websites, i.e. the number of websites registered by the registrants of website domain names, continue to grow reaching 2.68 million.
  • By the end of December 2012, the ratio of the interviewed small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) depending on computer-based offices reached 91.3%, and with access to Internet reached 78.5%.
  • The penetration rate of fixed broadbandamong SMEs hit 71.0%.
  • The proportions of online sale and online purchase among SMEs stands at 25.3% and 26.5% respectively.
  • The ratio of SMEs employing internet to carry out marketing and promotion reached 23.0%.
Thu, 11 Jul 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/07/06/setup_opencart_on_joyent_cloud.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/07/06/setup_opencart_on_joyent_cloud.html <![CDATA[Setup OpenCart on Joyent Cloud]]> Setup OpenCart on Joyent Cloud

One day my brother asked for help in setting up an eCommerce system for him. After evaluating plethora of eCommerce system decided to install OpenCart for him. Since eCommerce is the core business my brother did not want to outsource it. For the purpose of evalutation did research on the following open source eCommerce platforms:

  • Java Based - Mainly discarded due to complexity of setup and efforts required to launch quickly for a small team.

  • .Net Based - Good choice and with the availability of Windows VM on Amazon and Windows Azure makes it easier to manage. But still the efforts required to customize and manage are not less then the Java based platforms, so dropped them from the race as well.

  • Python Based - Very good choice if all you need is an eCommerce framework to build be-spoke system. But doing so requires upfront efforts before something is useable. These option were dropped due to development teams skills and time constraints.

  • PHP Based - Some of the following eCommerce platform were also evaluated based on php, besides opencart. Some are rejected due to the amount of efforts required to customize, performance tuning and launch.

One of the key reasons for picking up OpenCart is how easy it was for my brothers small team to get their head around the OpenCart code and customize it. Obviously the business is right now pretty small so there isn’t much worry about the scalability of the solution and in order to keep his costs under control he decided to give it a try using Joyent Cloud. As for the reason why Joyent cloud will be in another post.

Joyent Cloud Account Setup

While selecting a cloud service provider of choice after frustrating experience with Microsoft Windows Azure, due to its phone verification issues and with Amazon AWS due to its non acceptance of CVV2 verification (which by the way I feel is ridiculous) settled on Joyent Cloud. Following are the steps for setting up a Joyent Free Trial Account, which I intend to test for next 3 months:

  • Step 1: Sign up for an account by filling up the registration form and later on providing the billing information and a valid credit card with cvv2.

    Joyent Sign Up Form Joyent Billing and Credit Card information
  • Step 2: Generate SSH key the instructions for Max OS X and Windows can be found in the link Generating an SSH Key

Joyent Cloud Ubuntu Server Setup

Joyent Create Ubuntu Instannce

Once you have setup your account and logged on to Joyent Control Panel you can create instance for a virtual machine. Once the machine is running you can see the assigned ip address. You can log on to your machine using Putty on Windows or SSH on mac.

Installing Necessary Software

Normally when you setup Ubuntu from image repository of Joyent Cloud, you will get a bare-bones server install. Now we need to setup LAMP stack on the server. Usually I prefer to use Fabric for automatic setup for a virtual machine on the cloud. But since this was just one off setup so just used the command shell.

Installing ufw, apache2, mysql and php 5 on the server. I will also install Mercurial to get the code from the main repository where the code is regularly merged from upstream git repository of OpenCart. Since opencart repository is on github need to install hg-git mercurial plugin:

apt-get install ufw apache2 php5-mysql php5 php-pear mysql-server mysql-client mercurial php5-curl php5-gd php5-mcrypt
pip install hg-git

If everything goes smooth you will have apache2 webserver with PHP, MySQL and apache will be setup. You can test it by going to http://youripaddress/ and should see a page titled “It Works!”.

Download and Install OpenCart

Once the necessary software is installed now its time to setup OpenCart. Before beginning the download and install of opencart I would like to create separate accounts for future automatic deployment and merge of opencart:

hg clone git+https://github.com/opencart/opencart.git
hg clone opencart ecommerce_main

The above command will create two repository one in directory opencart and another which is a clone of upstream repository on the local machine. In future all the local changes and customization of the opencart will be managed in ecommerce_main and it will be used for deploying opencart on the servers.

Once opencart is downloaded its installed according to instructions on OpenCart Installation Guide. However there is a minor variation in the way we install the opencart as we are not using windows or filezilla.

Following steps were done on command line to install OpenCart on Ubuntu Server:

# Create mysql username and password for OpenCart
mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE dbname CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
mysql> create user 'user_name'@'localhost' identified by 'user_pass';
mysql> grant all privileges on dbname.* to 'user_name'@'localhost';

# Try logging on to mysql using the given username and password
mysql -u user_name -p dbname

# Clone the directory ecommerce_main to the public html. This structure is specific to Ubuntu.
hg clone ecommerce_main /var/www/vhosts/site_name

# Go to the directory of the cloned repository and update to release version
cd /var/www/vhosts/site_name
hg update v1.5.5.1

# Go to upload directory and copy config-dist to config.php and change owner for few files
cd /var/www/vhosts/site_name/upload
cp config-dist.php config.php
cp admin/config-dist.php admin/config.php
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/vhosts/site_name/upload/system/cache/
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/vhosts/site_name/upload/system/logs/
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/vhosts/site_name/upload/image/
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/vhosts/site_name/upload/image/cache/
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/vhosts/site_name/upload/image/data/
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/vhosts/site_name/upload/download/
chown www-data:www-data config.php admin/config.php

# Change the Default directory for apache server in Ubuntu
# Open file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default in any editor
# Change /var/www to  /var/www/vhosts/site_name/upload

Once the above steps are done you are ready to proceed with the installation point your browser to http://yourserver/ and you will be presented with the site for installation now you can follow the OpenCart installation guide to install. Usually for database prefix use site_name abbreviation but choice is yours.

After the installation run following commands to remove the install directory and also change permissions for config.php so that others cannot change it. Besides the changes are transferred back to the ecommerce_main repository so that it reflects the updated production version:

# Change to upload directory
cd /var/www/vhosts/site_name/upload
chown root:root config.php admin/config.php

# Remove install directory using mercurial and config.php and upload to server.
hg remove install
hg add config.php admin/config.php
hg ci -m "Production installed version"
hg push

# If you do not use mercurial then
rm -rf install

Now you can go to your store at http://yourserver/ and see the newly installed store. Go to http://yourserver/admin/ for managing it.

Sat, 06 Jul 2013 00:00:00 +0000
http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/05/30/_welcome__.html http://www.vyomtech.com/2013/05/30/_welcome__.html <![CDATA[Welcome!]]> Welcome!

This blog contains all the articles, essays and information about things we care about. Hopefully others may find something useful in this articles, essayes or information.

Thu, 30 May 2013 00:00:00 +0000